One big update
It's been awhile and lots of fun stuff has happened. So strap in because it's time for a super, awesome, mega-post! Okay actually my life doesn't warrant that much excitement but still, I've had some good times lately.
In late January, my mom and I blasted down to the Twin Cities to see my beloved Davey, Ainsley (and new boyfriend, Paul) and Heather and Aaron. Much fun was had, especially the part where I tried to pick David up in front of the Xcel energy center and had to keep driving around in circles. We finally found each other via cellphone and I tried to convince him to make a run for our car --- over 6 lanes of St. Paul traffic-- :) He started our way but was moving as if he was taking an evening jaunt! I had to lean out my car and yell "RUN BITCH!" --- and he did. So all was well.
A bunch of folks met up at an Irish pub establishment and drank beers and ate appetizers that will inevitably cause me cardiac arrest at some point later in my life... But so worth it. The most amazing part of the evening was that after all that excitement I still managed to drive myself back to my St. Paul hotel without getting lost. Guess I'm ready for the big city life now?
Mom and I toured the James J Hill House of St. Paul. Which as you can see is pretty amazing.

This place is nuts! 36,000 square feet over five floors! 13 bathrooms! 22 fireplaces! 16 crystal chandeliers! Two-story skylit art gallery with organ! 100-foot reception hall and everywhere you look elaborately carved oak and mahogany woodwork! Unreal but rather gloomy feeling being trapped in the middle of all that dark wood.
It's fascinating to try and imagine what living back then was like. Knowing my luck I wouldn't have been a "Mrs. Hill" but rather Mrs. Hill's butler or something. I bet it was an amazing time to be alive with the West still being settled and indstury taking off.... still I can't imagine living with the "medical care" they had back in the day. Mrs. Hill had 10 children... I can't imagine delivering ten children in the late 1800s. Must've been a tough woman.
This past Friday I took the day off to give myself a three-day weekend. Tyler and I spent Valentine's day together and had a really nice romantic dinner at Monte's. I had this amazing pork dish with fruits and veggies and blue cheese crumbles and Tyler had fillet mignon. For once I was too happy for dessert. That is UNHEARD of for me :)
I am planning on hoarding vacation time like a mad woman for awhile. I have 3 big trips I want to get in this year.
#1 Kearney, Nebraska over July 4th to visit my awesome family.
#2 Las Vegas this summer with my friend Spence. We're gonna have girl's night on the town and see Bette Midler perform!
#3 Palm Springs in November. Take Tyler to visit my aunt and uncle in Cali. It'll be great to see them and escape ND in November.
So yeah, no more fun 3 day weekends for awhile.
But you know what, that's okay. Because I'm young, I have a great guy in my life who loves me. I have my health, my family is doing well-- there's just a whole lot to be thankful for. I've been trying to say my prayers every night recently and I've been totally humbled by how TRULY lucky I am. When you think about what's going on in the world right now... it makes me shudder to think that I go to bed every night, well fed, peaceful and comfortable and elsewhere in the world--- well, it's just too painful to think of.
Last night I treated myself to a pricey, high fat drink at Starbucks and saw that for an extra $10 they'll ship a pound of their coffee to the troops. So I did my part to try and help people in tough situations. My Uncle Steve is over there somewhere, hopefully he can enjoy a cup on me.
Anyway, this is all getting way to heavy. Switching gears to----
Even though I have strong feminist objections (and objections based on taste) I can't help but love America's Next Top Model. The new cycle starts this Wednesday and I'm thrilled. I also heard that season 4 contestant, Michelle (the one with the skin disease) had a baby girl with Survivor reality TV alum, Johnny Fairplay... yikes... reality couples are breeding, that can't be good.
*(Pic of Michelle chick if you don't remember her-- there have been about 100 seasons of top model now)*

Also --I was shopping over the weekend and got very pissy walking past clothing store, Express. I've never been a huge fan of the place. I think their styles are nice but their version of size XL would fit my over my right boob. And that really bothers me. Their latest marketing campaign also perpuates the "thin is in" mentality.
In the men's window display, the ad copy read "cool comfortable casual" and the woman's side was something like "longer, leaner, leggier." What the F? How come only the guys get to be comfy and cool? Apparently girls don't get to relax, it's all about being long and thin. And notice how happy the chicks in this picture look. I rest my case.

And lastly in pop culture news of me... movies I'm thrilled to see:
The Other Boleyn Girl (currently reading the book-- very goood)
Leatherheads (John Krasinski and George Clooney?? I've died and gone to heaven!)
Labels: Picture posts, random facts of life, you tube
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