Happy Thoughts

(look at me, all happy)
Things I'm happy about:
- Friday Night- Homecomnig Parade/Football game tomorrow
- Roommate made puppychow
- The mere existence of puppychow
- The leaves are falling and very pretty
- A boyfriend who is willing to TIVO my worst vice, "America's Next Top Model"
- cute guys doing road construction
- a newly organized closet that is also color-coded (I really didn't want to do homework last night)
- Two tests coming up (it's not the night before yet... I can still study, I am in that optimistic mind-set where the horror of an impending exam has yet to set in)
- my Rob Thomas cd that's blaring.
- The part of fall where my allergies are lessening and mosquitos are dying
- Being related to so many funny, strong women and knowing so many other ones as friends
- Living in America, not in a third world country under a burka
- Halloween is coming up-- an excuse to dress up as something ridiculous/potentially slutty
- I did the math and I will graduate in four years *(knock on wood)
- You just read my blog!
Thanks for visiting! I apologize if the recent surge of only serious posts has been a downer. I promise to branch out. Please leave a comment for me so I know you stopped by!:-)
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