Can you ever let go?

I think the hardest thing to acknowledge about this is that I could travel to any corner of this vast world and never find a man like Jason. He's gone and the world is less for it.
I have a friend who often says "everything happens for a reason." But I've never believed that. I agree with my mother, the world is sinful and broken, and sinful and broken things happen because of it. People get sick and they leave us way too soon.
Everyone was better for knowing Jason and not many people can leave the world saying this.
Jason taught me something about living and dying. He must have been afraid at times but he took care of his family and the people around him by keeping a positive spirit and "keepin' on." His family stood together through one of the most unimaginable horrors and it just fills with me hope -- sometimes it's hard to believe but faith and love can conquer our greatest pain and heal us even when medicine fails.
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