If you please
Once again, ripping off Christy with the "Disney clip of the week" <-- This week you have to click to watch because the contributor "disabled embedding" -- WEAK.
Lately I spend a lot of time trying to get hired. Technically I am "unemployed" since my Americorps internship ended. I have freelance jobs keeping me busy and paying the bills but am trying to scrape some interviews here and there. Hopefully I look hire-able to someone. I'm willing to start small and work my way up. Frankly I just want a paycheck and health insurance. Not that I'm getting desperate or anything.
In order to keep spirits up, I keep busy. Today I stopped at Starbucks to get my nonfat carmel latte and bought two stuffed creatures. My reasoning was this:
Pretty soon I'll get hired.
I'll probably have a desk at this job.
I want cute little stuffed things at my desk.
And these creatures look sort of quasi-Emily like with their glasses and books.
So what the hell. They were clearance at $2 each. Hip hip hooray.

My life is one big contradiction. I realized that last night as I alternated between nonfiction author, Susan Faludi's new hardcover, "The Terror Dream" and watching the VH1 reunion special of "Rock of Love".
It actually worked out really well because whenever the book really riled me up I could switch to something brainless. Keeps me from elevating my blood pressure.
This past week I've had great opportunities with my freelance work. Today I interviewed a man who works at a comedy club. I really enjoyed the time spent with him because he was funny but also thoughtful. He said -- the only thing that should really offend people is hate. And I tend to agree. He also told a really off color Planned Parenthood joke that I found clever. Cause it's sooo bad. I'll relay for you to judge:
A man goes to a PP clinic to get checked for STD's and he's given a clean bill of health-- whew. So he thanks the staff and heads out to the parking lot. He then realizes he has stupidly locked his keys in the car. He ventures back into PP and asks -- hey, anyone in here have a coat hanger?
Yowza. Got a shock laugh from me though. And kudos for telling a joke about abortion without picking an apparent 'side.'
We also had a discussion about why stand up comedy was so male dominated. I was fascinated to get his take on this and also surprised because it shows some real insight, not just "cause dudes are funnier." His sentiment was something like this:
Stand up comedy requires you to be bold and confident. Not just-- fearless in front of an audience, no stage fright confident but confident to make fun of your flaws -- physical especially. And "our society doesn't raise confident women" I thought that was really true. Part of me wants to go to amateur night and just go nuts. But the other part wants to hide in the closet. Course, that may be more of an "Emily thing" than a "woman thing."
I also got to interview a woman who paints religious icons. She was fascinating. Grew up in communist Bulgaria where religion was touted as "poison of the mind" and here she is painting religious icons. A sample of her breathtaking work...

Pretty wicked. Makes me resent the little stick-people I create.
My goals for the next week are as follows:
-- Help pull off an excellent Harvest Moon Fling event
-- Find a pumpkin patch and capture pumpkins for carving
-- Get another interview, or better yet a JOB!
-- Continue my nightly walks -- even though it's getting COLD
Labels: Disney, Picture posts, random facts of life, you
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