I'm a sad panda
Today my job is to talk to 8th graders about sexual harassment. They are not like the sixth graders-- who want to tell me about everything -- they refuse to participate or even nod along. It's takes a lot of coercing. And I try to be cool and all but sometimes I feel like this:
It doesn't help that I seem to be in recovery from all the wedding fun. My throat is all red and swollen and I feel like it's 800 degrees in every room I'm in. Mostly I just want to sleep. I have been eating lots of oranges and also a blizzard from Dairy Queen (never a bad idea).
I think I'm burned out in general. I feel like quitting each of my extracurricular activities. I don't want to volunteer on any more committees or go to any events. Just work and then home. My bad I know but there's just so little energy to go around. It's a constant struggle to keep going.
I'm all excited because next week is the french fry feed. One year ago memory flashback time: YAY FRENCH FRIES!

Labels: Jobs, memory lane, random facts of life
Easily one of the best south park bits of all time. I quote said panda all the time
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