Christmas 2005 + Puggles

----------- "Please give me to Emily for Christmas. She'll take good care of me!"
**I saw these dogs on Best Week Ever (Vh1 show). They are a new breed. A pug + beagle. I think they are adorable. I looked them up online and this was a definite sign that the puggle is for me. I have been saying for years that one day I will buy a dog and name it Charlie. Well this was the first picture I found of a puggle. And her name?... CHARLIE! Allergies, smallergies! I need this dog!
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good girl this year. I have been going to class, (mostly) and spreading peace on Earth. Well, I don't spread peace to the guy in front of me on Washington going 10 miles below the speed limit, or that guy in my English class who always knows the answer to EVERYTHING... but usually I'm pretty good.
I work hard at school and only occasionally squander money on things I do not need. I think you and I both know how cute those shoes were. I HAD to buy them. I don’t spend much time at the bars or misbehaving in general. I think I deserve a spot on the nice list. And speaking of nice… there are so many nice things I am really hoping for this holiday season.
Of course, I know Christmas is about family, peace, and good-spirited fun. But, I mean, your job is kinda specific. One day of the whole year you bring people presents. If you aren’t too busy, could you swing by with any of these items? I would appreciate it and would totally spread the word that you are a cool dude.
MY LIST 2005
- A puggle named Charlie (see picture)- A new mattress (one without straw in the boxspring)
- Anne of Avonle on DVD (I love that movie! Don't care how nerdy that makes me)
- Digital Camera CanonPowerShotA610 (I swear I am the only person in 2005 using a disposable camera)
- New backpack (the current one is of not cute and the padded pocket isn’t big enough for my computer. How’s about some money so I can invest in something nice?- How about money in general? I really like money. It’s very versatile.
-Gift card to Target. I can survive on Target-only products forever!!
If I have more ideas, I will be kind enough to pass them on in another post. Thanks Santa (aka mom & dad who I love VERY MUCH.)
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