Summer's in full swing
The past few days have been sunny and HOT. Hot by my standards anyway. I'm an odd bird. I'd prefer grayer skies, a chillier wind and a temp of about 68. Don't know why. I think it's because a lot of my youth, I spent super sunny days inside trying to avoid pollen, or outside with a nerdy dust-mask on -- usually miserable because my nose was running and my eyes burned. I know, I shouldn't bitch about nice weather but it's hard to enjoy it when you can't breathe.
Today I tried to get out and enjoy the sunny skies, pollen be damned. Tyler (the sweetie) bought me a kite! I told him I'd never had a really significant kite flying experience and I wouldn't mind trying it. He bought a nice kite with dinosaurs on it. I love that he gets how weird I am. A kite with dinosaurs on it... it's a beautiful thing. I did have fun flying it too. We didn't have quite enough wind. We had to run to keep it in the air (and I dislike running a lot) but it was lovely. Of course now I'm paying for it with sneezes every few seconds.
Tyler and I watched March of the Penguins-- which I love. It's just unbelievable what those animals can do to make babies. Really inspirational, actually. Plus it just makes me happy. According to the movie, somewhere in Antartica right now there is a huddled mass of adult male penguins, holding an egg under a flap of stomach fat. Sweet!

See how can you not love that?
Tomorrow is going to rock my socks off. My friend David is flying in, as is my friend Jim. Other than that my only other goal is to get a manicure and possibly a pedicure. I've been meaning to "treat myself" since the surgery and now I feel healthy enough to enjoy it and Christy's wedding is this weekend. Might as well hop to it!
I am so excited.
Time for sleepy sleep.
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