An Odd Ending

It's 2 am and I'm done. It's the weirdest finals week ever. I made it my mission tonight to get all my papers done and I did it! Took me a long time and my eyes are nearly cross-eyed but I am ready to turn in all my papers tomorrow marking an official end to my spring '06 semester. Creepy. This means I have one semester left!!! Okay, not a big deal to you cool folks who are already college grads but it's weird to me. Very twilight zone.
Perhaps because it's 2 am and I'm bleary and tired and in an annoying proofreading mentality but I feel super anxious. Now there is nothing standing in between me and the surgery. Eeep! I know it's no big deal and all but the idea of being unconscious and vulnerable while people I don't know cut me open, yeah... just not that psyched about it. Why can't we hide under the bed and avoid problems in life? I think it sounds like a solid plan.
Things to keep me calm and grounded in reality:
-- I am very excited because Christy and Ben are getting married in less than a month! This means seeing lots of friends and a happy wedding day- very fun.
-- Moving out soon, although scary and annoying (I will be useless lifting-wise) very exciting and new. As soon as I get it all cute, I can invite people over for dinner. How very desperate housewives of me... except that I'm not a housewife and not desperate... well not in that sense
-- I am strong!! School is done! I made it-- just barely -- I was 30 minutes late for my final today :) EEEP!
Something random I cooked up while taking a break from proofreading..
MY LIST ~~~You know, the list of five guys I can be with -- without Tyler getting mad at me. It was tough but here's the rough draft and I think it's pretty darn good.
1. Gerard Butler (see previous post for link with picture)
2. Rob Thomas (Yummy as a solo act or with Matchbox 20)
3. Christopher Meloni (sexing up my Tuesday nights as Elliot Stabler on Law & Order SVU)
4. Simon Baker (Buy/rent the movie “Something New” when it comes out on DVD this month—it’s worth it for a look at that sexyAussie)
5. Dominic Monaghan (Hot even as a hobbit in Lord of the Rings)
Yes, I'm bored and clearly watching too many movies with hot men. But it's a fun little list.
I think I'm gonna celebrate by taking a walk with Tyler... yeah, even at 2 am! I truthfully couldn't be happier with any other guy. Awwww, how's that for mushy?
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