Book Quiz

Once again I was hanging around the Morblog. I loved her book quiz and am eager to participate as well.
1. One book that changed your life - Jesus and the Lost Godess. I read it in my junior year of high school and it was like the giant lightbulb moment. It explained Christian Gnosticism and how original Christianity had been perverted in the patriarchal hierarchy of th Roman Catholic Church. It helped me discover the lost Godess and also helped me come to terms with the stuff I found "difficult to digest" in the bible. If anything it made me a stronger Christian.
2. One book you've read more than once -The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. I loooove that book.
3. One book you'd want on a desert island - I agree with Christy, "The Bible." I think I'd need that kind of faith to sustain me if I were alone on an island.
4. One book that made you laugh - "The Fat Girl's Guide to Life" was awesome. So many instances I was laughing out loud and realizing I had many of the same experiences the author had. Also the Stephanie Plum series that Janet Evanovich does. It's about a girl bounty hunter who is very bad at her job but usually manages to catch the bad guy. Hilarious sidekicks include her elderly grandma who is always shooting stuff and a former hooker named Lula.
5. One book that made you cry - "Do they Hear you when you cry" also the book "The War on Choice" -- seriously. I got to the chapter about women worldwide who are without the right to choose. One woman in Kenya already had 12 children and was told during her last delivery that if she bore one more child, she would bleed to death. Not having access to contraception, she of course became pregnant again. Her husband was gone and she walked some 60 miles to get to a U.S.-run organization seeking an abortion. Thanks to Bush's new "Global gag rule" they were unable to perform an abortion or even DISCUSS the option with her. She was forced to carry the pregnancy to term and died right after birth, now leaving 13 children as orphans. Many of whom, could likely starve. Knowing that these were the "choices" for some woman worldwide made me feel so helpless.
6. One book you wish had been written - "100 things that are more threatening to your marriage than gay people."
7. One book you wish had never been written - Anything by Ann Coulter. Hate mongering= not cool.
8. One book you are currently reading - "The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women." Also currently re-reading "Female Chauvinist Pigs"
9. One book you have been meaning to read - "Middlesex" I've heard it's so great and I've had it on my shelf for a year now.
Who I'd like to hear from?? My mom, Tyler, David, Sarah, my cousin Lori
I secrely love the Stephanie Plum novels. Her grandma cracks me up, I just about die laughing sometimes.
We need to write that book about gay marriage. Remember, I get to do the funny illustrations and obnoxious sarcastic comments.
I'll blog soon, just haven't been up to it lately, love and miss you.
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