Summer Laziness
I'm in my pajamas and it's 3 pm. I love summer. I have the day off and intend to clean, get groceries and um.. that's about it. Tomorrow I fly out to Duluth for a three day conference so I plan on getting some good r&r in today.
Last night I attended Jenna and Cory's wedding. I took my friend Rob, as geek squad had captured Tyler and refused to turn him loose. Rob and I had a pretty good time. There was good music and good people-- several of whom I haven't seen in a long time. Ah high school memories.
It seemed like everyone there was asking me when my "big day" was coming up. And I always went into way more babble than I needed to. Why don't I just smile and say "We'll see..." Why do I go on and on justifying myself and my relationship decisions? It's not like they want a novel, they're just enquiring.
I guess a big part of me is self-consciousness about that question because I truly don't know. With some of my closest friends tying the knot and making plans to move to this state or that, take this job etc... I get nervous. After I graduate college, I have no conceivable plan with or without Tyler. And I'm completely happy with him but was I supposed to date around more? Was he? Are we ready to say "I do" forever and ever? UGH.
And why don't I just let these things come as they will? I'll tell you why. Because there's still a lot of pressure on women my age. I don't see the point in moving away to a separate city with a man I've dated two years and not live with him. Not when I know the cost of living and I know we'll want to spend most of our time together. And yet, I also know my family may disapprove of this. And I'm 22, so my family may have to live with that but do I even approve of it? Do I think it's right to move in with someone for an indefinite period of time as "roommates in a relationship" or should I have that ring on my finger?
Gaaaaa! When did I grow up? How do you know when it's right? I watched this couple last night say with total confidence that they were willing to become joined for life and there didn't seem to be a hint of doubt in that... but I doubt just about every decision I make and fear I'm always doing the wrong thing.
When I was 14, I thought "23 is a good age to marry." Well now my boyfriend is 23 and I'll be 23 in less than a year and I feel like I'm still 18 years old and I have no money and no clue where I want to live. Ugh. Chill Emily. It's not a race to the alter. I'm sure if I am proposed to (in the perfect setting with the perfect ring-- ha) I will be able to offer an answer that I am 100% behind.
Okay enough of that-- Here's a picture of Rob and I at the big wedding-- we accidentally both showed up wearing yellow. How adorable... or odd!

He was a good date but kept buying me drinks! Bad Rob, bad. Later I assisted Rob in moving some furniture at his house and this was definitely not aided by all the drinks previously consumed. But I did owe him-- after my surgery, when I couldn't lift a thing he came over and helped me move AND lent me his truck.
Post-moving we sat down to watch a movie. I agreed to give Blade: Trinity a try because Rob liked it and I am into the vampire genre being a total Buffy-fan. Turns out not all vampire stories are created equal.
Here are some of the pearls of fantastic dialogue I heard in Blade: Trinity--
-- "Oh man, we got fucking ass-raped"
-- "You horse-humping bitch"
-- "You cock-juggling thundercunt"
-- "Go fuck your sister"
-- "How about you take a sugar-frosted fuck off the end of my dick?"
-- "When the fuck did you see my dick, fuck-face?"
And my personal favorite... can't believe the actors said it with a straight face, was this "dramatic" exchange:
Dracula: Blade. Ready to die?
Blade: Was born ready motherfucker!
Dracula: Motherfucker… I like that

UGH!! What is with those movies? Do they think that...
+ Jessica Beil in leather
+ the word "fuck"
+ the word "dick"
= entertaining??
So, sorry about that little random outburst. I was just annoyed with the badness of the movie.
I think I will go see if Vh1 is playing "World Series of Pop Culture" right now-- I love that show. Hopefully by 5 pm I'm dressed and contributing to society. But we'll see.
Love to all!
Hey hon -- don't worry about what anyone else is doing, just do what's right for you, and take all the time you need to decide. We all love you and I hope you don't feel too anxious about any life decisions staring you in the face. :)
Yeah, I don't know why some people apparently think that vulgarity makes a movie better. *thumbs down*
Dating is an adventure, but there is no pre-set minimum. There is no 'supposed to'. No worries... life unfolds as we live it.
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