Lame lame lame
I was hoping to be in the Cities today to attend the funeral of my friend's sister, however, I am very ill. It has been coming on in spurts. Yesterday at work, I just about closed up early and left because it felt like I was 104 degrees and suffering from the worst migraine ever.
Now I'm at home, and I have the flu... bad. I will not elaborate but let's just say I'm sick of feeling like I'm gonna hurl every two seconds. I am unable to drag myself out in public , so my wonderful mother brought me good sick food, chicken noodle soup, applesauce along with sleazy celebrity magazines. How joyous. My only goal today is to become un-sick.
To accomplish said task I am mostly lying around reading and watching TV... here are some thoughts from said experience:
--I saw Justin Timberlake's new video "Sexy Back" -- never noticed how hot he was before!!! Not sure I like the song but yowza is he attractive. Back in the day I was in love with Lance Bass (yes, the irony) and was turned off by Justin's white boy geri curl.... now it's a whole new story.

--Mel Gibson is such a tool. I'm glad he finally got caught being the anti-Semitic bigot that he is. It bugged me that people acted like, "Oh how dumb, the passion isn't about being anti-Jewish." Oh, really? Cause throughout history that's what passion plays were for... ugh. Now with the drunk driving scandal I think I can safely say, Mel Gibson = boo.
-- I am very happy I was never a childhood star. I look at people like Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears and really any number of other stars who grew up in the public eye, and they seem kinda screwed up. I'm sure it'd be nice to have the money but the notoriety and paparazzi would bum me out. I feel bad for a lot of them, even though they also make me roll my eyes.
If I had a ton of wealth here are ridiculous things I'd buy myself before doing nice things like charity etc:
1. New home-- upgrade, upgrade, upgrade. I don't need 17,000 sq feet or anything. But I'd want a screening room for movies and an indoor lap pool. I'd also want a maid cause who wants to clean all that?
2. New home for parents. Or like a million dollars to fix the stuff wrong with what they have now
3. Chef-- I think I'd eat way better if someone was always making really yummy healthy food. Plus I don't much care for cooking.
4. Driver!! For long car trips, like to visit Grandma or go to the cities, I'd want someone driving so I could nap or read in the backseat.
5. Private plane. Speaking from experience, it's highly annoying to fly from here to Duluth. An hour flight from here to Minneapolis, and then from Minneapolis to Duluth is like, 23 minutes-- um hello? Just keep going, it'll be faster. Plus if you had your own plane, you'd have way more room and could show up 10 minutes before take off.
That's a lot of luxury!! I'm sure if I had the money, I could think of more stuff to spend it on, but I also like to think that I wouldn't just buy and buy for no reason (Paris Hilton anyone). I can think of a lot of great causes that I'd want to contribute to and trips I'd want to go on with friends and family.
Now I just have to figure out a way to make tons of money as a writer and advocate (haha).
I can't believe it's almost 8 pm and I haven't left the house or gotten dressed today. I hate being sick.
Wishing you healthy days! XOXO
PS: I had a letter to the editor in today. Hooray
I adore Justin Timberlake. I am quite glad someone else now shares my admiration for that tasty treat. Sooooo hott.
I hope you feel better dear!!
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