For the record...
Right now I am...
uber-tired and laying on my bed
dreading getting up for work tomorrow
happy that I work 4 hours instead of 8 like today
becoming more and more obsessed with make-up now that I work in cosmetics
pissed that the Dixie Chicks aren't playing in Fargo anymore. They cancelled a week ago and I'm still bummed.
proud of myself that I didn't succum to laziness and unpacked my suitcase
appalled at how many clothes I own. Seriously. It's astronomical.
and yet pleased that I have so many clothes to choose from
bummed that school starts in one week
excited about the future-- what does life hold after graduation day?
rolling my eyes at the world... 9/11 happened FIVE years ago and all that's changed is that we're in the middle of a terrible war and now I can't bring anything resembling liquid on the plane. Great game plan USA
pumped that Tyler set up his old DVD player in my room. Once I get a fridge, I'll never leave!
so happy I have air conditioning. What did people do back in the day honestly?
dreading a dentist appointment I know I have to make
tired... I am tired. And I need to cut this short.

Coming soon: Pictures from vacation in Minneapolis and descriptions of interesting things (*hopefully interesting*)
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