Wedding Season
Apparently the seasons of my life are as follows: Fall, Winter, Spring and WEDDING. But I won't complain, I love 'em. Tyler and I went to the cities back in July to watch his aunt get married. She had a fairy-tale wedding at the St. Paul hotel which was AWESOME. I have been meaning to post pics for some time because the event was super sweet.

The hotel was very pretty. A man in a top hat parked our car and carried all our bags. I felt a little lame because my purse had cupcakes on it and I had a WalMart bag full of fruit (classy, huh?). But we enjoyed ourselves at the wedding. For one --- the food rocked! I had sushi, scallops and other things that I don't even know what they were but they they were good. I like food a lot :)

I want to know if it's normal to start planning your own wedding in your head when you're not um... engaged? Is this a girl thing or a 'me' thing or a just plain weird thing? All of the above? I think it's becaus I've had so much fun planning Laura's shower and following her through her plans-- it becomes impossible not to start thinking of how your own special day would go down.
I've also been watching this new show on VH1 called 'My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding' where they follow people who spend half a million dollars on their wedding. It's insane in the membrane. My mother was commenting on how wasteful that is and I sort of agree but I have to admit, it would ROCK to be invited to a party like that.
In news of the regular variety--- I'm still job hunting, which is bumming me out. Americorps ends in one month and then I need new plans. I feel 2007 already slipping away from me-- the days are getting shorter and the nights colder. It already feels more like fall. It's amazing and terribly uncomfortable when you realize how much a year changes things.
Movie of the week: Tristan + Isolde --click to read movie review -- Laura and I watched it last night and I really loved it.
Labels: growing up, movies, Picture posts
It's completely normal to start planning your wedding even if you're not engaged. Drake and I had looked at rings and everything and at that time it (so we thought) it was a given that we were going to get married. Plus it's fun.
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