Emily goes to the fair
Sometimes it feels so good to sit on the couch. The weekend was fun and busy-- My mom came down to visit and we hit up the Island Park Craft Fair. It was a good time. I am most excited because I purchased a crock -- an idea I stole from Laura's bridal shower--- the guy who glazed my crock was cute. I just like saying that-- "the guy who glazed my crock." Heh.

Pictured above: my sweet crock
My mom and I also found this jewlery stand with this super-funky lady. I got two pieces.

Funky necklace #1

Funky necklace #2
Sweeeeeeet! I really like the second one. The stone in the silver is aquamarine and I really love aquamarine. I've told Tyler many times that I want it in my engagement ring (cough... just in case that ever comes up... cough).
So that was yesterday at the fair.....Today my mom and I actually worked at the fair. We were parking lot attendants (cool, I know) collecting money that benefited the crisis center. It was super hot and we were sitting on cement so it quiclky felt like like we were baking. I kinda wish I had some cookie dough so I could try and bake something a'la Christy's 'dashboard car cookies.'
Being that I'm ghostly pale I also had to be adequately protected. I wore SPF 50, a visor and had to hold an umbrella - per my mother's orders. She and I both feared I would burn and then be peeling at Laura & Jim's wedding. But really I didn't look so cool holding an umbrella. Wish I had a picture of that to share with you..... NOT.
On a side note Laurita's bridal shower was mucho fun. My idea of decorating below:

Heh. Good times. Except that it's less than a week until the wedding and I have been eating leftover cake and candy from the shower -- like, I dunno-- EVERY DAY. That dress better have some extra room.
In a few days it'll be September. I still haven't found any full-time job to get once my Americorps internship is up. I'm trying not to panic. But it's not working! I was actually sitting with the classified section of the paper the other day and circling stuff with a big red pen (that always works in the movies). Trouble is, I don't fix cars or substitute teach so apparently I'm useless.
I really don't want to work retail anymore. And after the fiasco that was Red Lobster, I'd really like to rule out waitressing as well. There's a receptionist job open at the paper and I am applying... maybe working there they'll realize my amazing writing talent and offer me a six-figure income?
That wouldn't suck.
I'd like to leave you with these anecdotes:
-- I burned my finger today on a bowl of grapenuts that I left in the microwave for too long.
-- Really freaked out lately because whenever I see babies, I'm like 'ahhh, I want one!' Then it's like 'OH NOOOOO STOP IT!'
-- Not happy that tomorrow is Monday. Really prefer the weekend with craft fairs and hot bowl-glazing guys.
-- Seriously. I got way too much chocolate in this house, my bridesmaid dress is not gonna fit and then ... well... it'll be bad.
-- I've found another movie that I really enjoyed (thank you netflix). Check out preview below. If you are a Harry Potter fan, you will recognize the two leads (Julie Walters and Rupert Grint) because they played Ron & Mrs. Weasley in Harry Potter. It's fun seeing them in such different roles and the movie is funny and sweet!
Labels: Jobs, movies, Picture posts, random facts of life
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