Major DUH of the moment

<--- This book is really amazing.
I love Susan Faludi because she gets me thinking. In this book, she points out that Americans haven't really TALKED about 9/11. On each anniversary we replay the clips of the towers falling. We substitute repetition instead of reflection. WE NEED TO DISCUSS 9/11 and the plethora of issues surrounding it or we are doomed.
Here is my light bulb moment (give me a break, it's 2:30 am) --- Remember how Bush kept saying we were attacked because "evil doers" hate democracy and freedom???
Okay, fine. Then why was no one flying planes into Sweden, England, the Netherlands, France--- all other countries who have democratic freedoms-- some of those countries have even more liberal freedoms when it comes to sexuality, drugs etc -- all those issues. Why target America? Perhaps it's not as easy as "evildoers hate us." Perhaps it's very, very VERY complex and we should talk about it.
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