Lame commercial

Back off girls, this ain't for you
Sorry to rant but I keep seeing this tonka truck commercial that pisses me off. In it the narrator says,
Let's face it, boys are built differently- and WE have the blue print. Tonka, Built for boyhood
Ummm, boys are built differently how exactly? Aside from physical differences I don't think little boys and little girls are that different. Lots of girls like playing with trucks!
Apparently not according to playskool. Girls play with other things. Like the Rose Petal Cottage.

Guess being a girl means you want to keep house and play with a washer and dryer. THAT apparently is a girl's blueprint?
Dude, I'm not saying girls shouldn't like to play house-- but little boys play house too, just like little girls play with dump trucks. Stereotypical gender roles are not part of our blueprint --- just our culture.
So, Tonka, get a clue!
PS: If you google "tonka, buillt for boyhood," you get lots of other blogs that are pissed about this. Glad I'm not alone.
Labels: it makes me mad
At my pre-school we do a lot of training on how to keep things anti-bias.
I have a classroom of 10 boys and 2 girls. The two most popular centers in my room are the home center (plastic food, dolls, miniature furniture) and the cars. The girls play with everything, the boys play with everything.
I think that commercial is speakign to the men in the world trying to make sure their boys aren't a pansy. just saying.
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