My life without employment...
In many ways its cool. I can sleep in, take walks in the middle of the day, print off recipes from the internet and act like I'm gonna learn how to cook (someday... someday). I also get to do lots of odd jobs. This weekend I went to Crookston to help my friend/hair stylist. She and her husband are moving into a farmhouse that needs a lot of work. I felt like I was part of an HGTV special. I actually learned how to make a floor! HA! This weekend I made a floor, what did you do?
Sorry, I'm weirdly proud of my accomplishment. We painted every room in the house, including ceilings, ripped out carpet for new hardwood floors--- it was a big job. I'm actually still sore.
Perhaps I went about college the wrong way, I should have gone to a tech school to be a carpenter. It's fun, hard work and since a lot of people don't want to deal with it you can make serious money! For example, this is the first three advertised jobs in the Forum today...

lame. I totally went to school for the wrong thing. I could be putting floors in right now and making bank.
Tyler and I are getting ready for Halloween. We carved the pumpkins we obtained from the patch.

So strong!

Oh no, I cut off his head

And now I mercilessly gut him

And during the carving we watched Land Before Time -- ah the childhood memories

The family of pumpkins -- ahhh the love
*the one with the glasses is supposed to be me, the shorter one is Tyler*


Ahh the romance of dismembering gourds
I saved a bunch of pumpkin seeds and now I need an online recipe on how to roast them. How about that, a recipe I may actually use.
One last thing... Usually I do Disney clips but this week my clip is animated but not the disney variety. In honor of the video we watched last night, and how much I love Spike... here you go.
Labels: growing up, Picture posts, you tube
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