This week in March
First item of business.... I'd like to go on record and say that Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a boil on the butt of humanity. First off this week, she went on MSNBC to say that we shouldn't be shocked at the Gov. Eliot Spitzer prostitute scandal because:
"When the wife does not focus in on the needs and the feelings, sexually, personally, to make him feel like a man, to make him feel like a success, to make him feel like her hero, he’s very susceptible to the charm of some other woman making him feel what he needs."
I'd like to take a moment and say a prayer for Dr. Laura-- because I feel so very SORRY FOR HER. The men in her life must be a serious breed of lame-ass if they'll jump into another woman's bed just because they don't feel 'hero worshipped' enough.
I mean, seriously, that’s just not giving men enough credit. I know some amazing men and they do not deserve this type of bad PR. Ladies, if you ever hear: "Well I had to go to the prostitutes, honey. You weren't praising my ego and giving me enough sex." -- IT'S A LINE. HE'S A LOSER. RUN AWAY.
Only in Dr. Laura land is it your job to give up your happiness to please "your man," lest he run off and find happiness elsewhere. Reason # 1,956,492,001 why feminism benefits women AND MEN. Feminists see men as our allies, friends and lovers in an equal and healthy relationship-- not as an extra child to dote on and kowtow too (who's also so pathetic and sex-driven, he'll run off if you turn your back for a second).
Part II of 'Dr. Laura is a butt boil':
She called Brett Favre names because he cried during his retirement press conference saying of him, “All these years, and I didn't know there was a woman quarterback in the NFL”:
"Brett Favre ... we're watching this in the studio, obviously retiring from the NFL, great quarterback, handsome 38-year-old man, he gets up there and he does this press conference that was frankly one of the most embarrassing things I have ever seen...That's a great message for young boys. 'Get up there and act like a girl and start blubbering like a baby."
Well isn’t that just the epitome of class? Yeah this guy didn’t think so either.
Anyway. I’ve had it with that doorknob.

What else? This week in our "Emily needs a dream" segment we discuss a potential new job idea--- So, as many of you know-- I am currently a receptionist doing nothing of significance and having a crisis of conscious about what I can do to "bring my light to the world" (as mom would say). So here's this week's DREAM JOB:
Movie reviewer: I love movies. It would be seriously kick ass to talk about movies for a living. I bet I'd have a unique view to bring to the table: A young, feminist, female examines it all (except for horror movies because they give her nightmares). Last week I saw Penelope and Juno-- and had a good time with both.
Ooh I could also review TV shows and books -- but not music. I'm terrible with music. I'm the opposite of a music snob. I'll be the first to admit that some of the music I listen to is complete and utter garbage. Yes I work out to Britney Spears-- don't judge me-- it has a good beat and it keeps my ass on the treadmill!
Speaking of amazing television. The TV show Veronica Mars is amazing. I first blogged about it in 2005. The third season just came out on DVD and I just finished the whole thing and now want to cry.
Veronica Mars was amazing. Seriously. AMAZING. Did I mention AMAZING?
- It had a hilarious, funny, female protagonist.
- It had iteresting characters and plot lines, many that touched on important political themes like child soldiers, sexual assault, divorce, youth violence, drugs and gang culture
- It had the perfect (PERFECT!) blend of drama, comedy and mystery and just plain awesomeness
Sadly it was misused by its network, not promoted and shuttled around to many different time slots, thereby confusing the audience. In May of 2007 it aired its last episode and was cancelled so that new, fine programming (like reality TV about pussycat dolls) could air on the CW.
I was angry before, but after watching the DVD extras (which included the creative pitch for the season 4) I am FURIOUS. Season 4 looked amazing. And it just makes it that much more infuriating that instead of having a fun TV show to watch once a week, I get crap. Thanks corporate media conglomerate. For fans of the show -- or people curious to take a look. Here are the first 5 minutes of what would have been episode 1 of season 4.
You can tell based on video quality and short intro that it would have been tweaked. We also jumped from Veronica the college years to Veronica at the FBI but it still looks great. I wish wish wish that show would come back. Like I'm sickly obsessed! Seriously. If I had terminal cancer and Make a Wish came by to grant me a wish, I might pull a Family Guy and make my wish, "BRING BACK VERONICA MARS!" Or maybe I'd go to Europe.
Last note to leave you on. I am generally pretty horrified of American Idol but tend to watch it anyway as it seems to be on when Tyler and I are eating dinner and watching TV. This past week, some Carrie Underwood-wannabe butchered the Beatles... and this resulted.
May God have mercy on her soul.
Also... tomorrow my parent's arrive to go with me to a Celtic Festival. We're gonna eat potatos and listen to bagpipes so its pretty much gonna rock.
SO I was mistaken. Dr. Laura Schlessinger did not make the comment about Brett Favre. That was another conservative Laura, radio host Laura Ingraham. Still a butt boil :)
Labels: celebrity, it makes me sad, TV, video posts
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