Just keep swimming
"I used to live in a darkened room, had a face of stone and a heart of gloom. Lost my hope, I was so far gone cryin' all my tears with the curtains drawn. I didn't know until my soul broke free, I've got these angels watching over me. Oh watch me go. I'm a happy girl everybody knows that the sweetest thing that you'll ever see in the whole wide world is a HAPPY GIRL!!" - my life's motto, courtesy of Martina McBride
Monday, December 08, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Chairs and drinks
So for the longest time we've used Tyler's old recliner that drops parts when you move it and sometimes sticks you in the butt with sharp bits when you sit on it.
That has been not so fun.
So this year we decided that our Christmas present to each other was going to be a new recliner. We've searched high and low and finally found a good coupon/selection at HOM furniture store.
But it wasn't just any deal. It was buy one chair, get the second chair... FREE.
So naturally, we snapped it up.
Ta da!
Make no mistake about it, there is absolutely no room in our apartment living room for two huge recliners. But we're ignoring that fact. And this is now our life:
Except for when I take a break to play with the giant box the chair came in... (please know I had a giant margarita with dinner and I was 'high' off the new-chair joy!)
Labels: it makes me happy, Tyler, you tube
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Um, when did this happen?
Well, my blogging has certainly suffered lately but real life has been great so I can't complain. We have the church and reception hall booked and I bought THE DRESS. So I feel like I have a good grip on the wedding end of things. So far I'm having fun planning. I figure there will be meltdowns but I'm hoping to keep a fairly level head.
Last night Tyler and I decorated our tree. It's the second year in a row that we've splurged and gone for a real one. Words cannot describe how happy Christmas trees make me. As I got ready for work this morning, I had to turn the lights on and play my Bette Midler Christmas CD. I admit that when I was little Christmas was all about the presents. Now I could really care less. Don't get me wrong, I love getting gifts and I love buying them for people in my life, but that part is less fun than the just getting home and seeing the people I care about. I'd probably be way more excited about gifts if I actually had some money to spend on them.
We're not going to talk about money right now though because money stresses me out.
Between holidays, wedding plans and everything else, I am ALSO starting a new job on Monday. TA DA!!! It only took me 2 years past college but I finally got a FULL-TIME job that I'm excited about and that's in my field. I'll be doing event-planning/marketing and sales stuff. So basically micro-managing, obsessing and organizing... in other words, I should rock at it.
But the coolest thing I'm doing right now (bu far) is dance class. It's really hard work but I'm having an absolute blast. I've tried learning ballroom dance in college and never felt like it was clicking-- I see now that's because I never had a really great teacher. The man who's teaching us, Victor Gelking is wonderful! He is perfect for beginners and really fun. I would recommend people go just for the fun stories he tells about his life --travelling the world, dancing and flying planes in World War II. Seriously, he's in his 80s and can move better than me!
I must leave you now :( but before I go... some Disney for the day!
Happy Holidays!
Labels: Disney, growing up, it makes me happy, Jobs, random facts of life
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What the chef had in store :)
Read the last post first and then make sure you click to view all individual pictures :)
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Make a Smilebox postcard |
Labels: growing up, it makes me happy, Picture posts, Tyler, whoa
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
My dude is full of win
I try not to be so mushy and public with my affection towards Tyler. But I just gotta say he went above and beyond recently.
I left my part-time job at the mall last night. Ya see, I've been pulling some crazy schedules -- 8 hours at regular job then 4 more at part time gig so when I get home (near 9:30pm) it's very hard to cook anything.
Anyway, as I leave work and walk to my car, I see a bouquet of flowers in my front seat with rose petals everywhere. Also a printed menu with the meal I would be served when I got home. It had lots of flowery french language but it boiled down to taco bar/salad and dessert. Which sounded pretty much perfect after the day I had.
Stuff like that reminds me how wonderful he is. Not only is he great to me on a day-to-day basis, he will go out of his way to show me that he's there for me when times get tough.
I had to take some pics with my cell phone. Here are my flowers:

and a shot of the penguin clip art that was on our menu (cause when I think tacos, I think of a penguin MaƮtre d')

and the photo of the table set all cute for when I got home

Not bad-- a lit candle and some wine! We ended up being too full for dessert.
There was also soothing classical music playing and when we were done eating, I could take a bath and get right in bed. It was pretty much heaven.
Anyway the "Ristorante" as he calls it, will be open again from 9pm-11 pm. I can't wait to see what the chef has for me tonight.
Labels: food, it makes me happy, Tyler
Monday, October 27, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Quote of the day
Tyler and I were eating Chinese for lunch today and checking out the zodiac calendar they put out. *Tyler is a boar and I am a rat.
This exchange occurred:
Tyler: It says I'm prone to marital strife.
Me: I don't feel strifey
Tyler: Well we're not marital.
For another random quote I direct you here
Labels: quotes