Pumpkins and part time jobs
I am ready for pumpkins. At work, I've been surfing the net looking for a pumpkin patch to visit. Last year, Tyler and I went to Buffalo River Pumpkin Patch (with the petting zoo) and that was awesome but I figure we should try something new this time. I found a great one but it was out near Bismarck. 'Lil too far. Even with gas below $3 again....
I love this time of year. Fall has such a special quality. And it means you can get away with cozy sweaters and scarves but are not yet confined to winter coats and boots. And I have lots of kick ass scarves. Seriously. I should count them. I may have a scarf problem.
Much like my previously discussed problem with penguin stuff and candles.
Also fall proceeds the best holidays. And fall has the best beverages. Apple cider! Hot cocoa! PS: I found my new favorite thing. "A rich melange" of four cocoas = AWESOME. I've only had the one on the end so far but it was awesome.

GO. TO. STARBUCKS. NOW. Forget the crumbling economy and get yourself some $4 cocoa, dangit!
In other holiday-related news. I got a part time job and I start Sunday. I shouldn't speak too soon and jinx it but it sounds like the best thing ever. I will be a visual coordinator for Macy's. Which in real speak means I decorate the store for Christmas. The best thing is it's 4 weeks, 20 hours a week. So I won't be burning the candle at both ends for long AND EVEN BETTER. I'm not involved in holiday retail around Thanksgiving or Christmas! It's like the best thing EVAH!
God bless us everyone :)
In news that bugs me:
#1 Why do I hear New Kids on the Block on the radio? WHY? I'm sorry, Sarah but they just aren't my thing and they are way too old for this boy band business and the songs they are putting out are DREADFUL. If you're gonna foist a 'reunion' on us then at least put out decent music or JUST STICK TO THE OLD STUFF!
I defer to this video for my feelings on the NKOTB:
#2 Why can't I find a decent stereo? In sad news, my desk stereo died. I loved it. It was small and non-imposing. Kind of like this

It had a 5 disc CD changer, great speakers and a tape deck (which yes I still used from time to time).
I cannot find any of those things anymore. If you want a 5 disc changer, 99% of the time the stereo is obscenely huge and really, everything I've seen has been big, and some sort of sleek, macho, black thing. And very imposing. Like this

I don't get it, are they only making stereos for the 14 year old boy market?? Cause other than those two styles, I've only really seen novelty ones like, an old time jukebox looking one or Sponge Bob & Hello Kitty boom box. *sigh*. Maybe I just have to hum my music from now on?
So yeah, this was a link-happy post, and I have one more for ya. I had to look through a lot of old posts for some of the links I found here and in the process had fun reading old posts of mine. Go here to see a SUPER CUTE retro PSA I posted.
PS: Just one more good news bulletin. My cousin Shandra got engaged and my best friend Randi had a baby girl (her first, she has two boys). So weddings and babies. Pretty much the best thing ever. Hooray!!
Labels: it makes me happy, Picture posts, random facts of life
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