Giving Thanks Day

Things I'm THANKFUL for
- My Family (aren't we cute?)
- Days where you never have to get out of your pajamas
- Close Friends. Even if it's been awhile, you can pick up where you left off
- Parents that love you
- Movies that make you laugh
- Toast
- Candles that smell so good
- Warm bed and cozy sheets
- Photos that make you look hot
- Compassionate people
- Funky/Cute scarves
- Nice church hymns
- Nights you have all to yourself
- good music, hot cocoa and a book
- People that say "I love you"
- Attractive boys that smile at you (confidence boost= good)
- The cute boy who smiles at me, even when I look terrible
Things that make me not-so-thankful:
- Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey breaking up... But they were cute and had a series...!!! I'm disillusioned with love.
- Scott Stapp of Creed annoucing a solo career (you were bad in a band, what makes you think you have the right to go solo?)
- eating a huge Turkey dinner and finding yourself hungry again at midnight (sick)
- People you love living far away
- End of semester projects that make your head hurt
- George Bush doing ANYTHING
- My bank balance
- Blogging instead of doing homework... oh wait, that's FUN!
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