Breaking free- One step at a time

At 12:15 today, I left my last class of the fall '05 semester!! *loud cheering*
It was modern grammar. Which I loathe... so it was a good feeling to walk out. Keep in mind, I still have my work cut out for me. A fact my modern grammar professor so kindly reminded me of, (he pointed at me and said, "YOU better study before the final!"---- "Thank you Captain Obvious, by the way are you related to Captain Jerk-wad?") I also have various papers and three final tests to take. Still I will never have to hear these people lecture again -- and for me, that is a small victory.
It means I'm one step closer to sticking my tongue out at school and taking winter break. Something I desperately need at the moment.
Not to be snobby, but I feel I have earned tonight off. So at the moment, I'm in my pajamas, blogging (duh) and watching my boyfriend put together his brand new TV. *more wild cheering*
PS: Technology has gotten so ridiculous these days. I'm watching Tyler surf through his new TV menu and with all the buttons and settings he's screwing with, it seems like he could have armed a nuclear bomb by now.
Anyhow, I plan on staying in pajamas, drinking fruit smoothies and watching rented movies (as soon as the damn TV works). I will shower if and only if we get off our butts to go to a party tonight. These are my goals. I am proud of them. Tomorrow I will tackle my religion paper... but that is tomorrow and today......
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