What the deuce?
So, blogging kind of got a way from me. That happens when you go without internet for a significant period of time. But it has finally been connected, allowing me many wasted hours, browsing my fave sites (Roger Ebert reviews, msn gossip columns, facebook etc). I didn't immediately jump back into blogging because, it's honestly rather terrifying trying to imagine summing up the past few weeks.
We'll just throw it out there in spurts:
Christy got married! Yeah. Craziness. I can't imagine how busy she was because I was exhausted. on Thursday I picked up David and then drove to Fargo to pick up Jim. Friday I spent 9-3 pm in a conference about human trafficking-- very much a downer. And then after that there were many preparations. Rehearsal etc. Every day was a hustle and bustle of busy activity. Saturday the big day was a morning to night event and lots of fun. I had a wonderful time quasi-D.J.ing/Emceeing the wedding. It was such a special day!
Sunday, right after the wedding, I moved all of my belongings from my parent's house to my apartment. A place all to myself. I *heart* it very much. In fact, when I feel like it's fully ready to be shown off, I may take some pics and post them. I have a lot done so far but nothing on the walls yet. And I hate blank walls. I think they frown on putting in many nail holes so I may have to get creative. Some day I'm going to have a townhome... I look forward to that. A place all my own with no rent (just mortgage payments).
Monday was a bit more moving and unpacking. We also hit the bars to celebrate David's birthday (which wasn't until the following Friday). We paid for it the next day but it did rock my socks off. I dropped Davey at the airport Tuesday morning and after he left I had to cry for awhile. I love my davey but we had a great trip and I can't complain because I had him all to myself a few times. And David is a precious commodity around here :) As you can see... he is fun to do shots with...

After that, I've been running mostly errands. Buying parking permits, trying to get internet set up, stocking my fridge, putting away clothes (I have too many) so I gave a lot of those away to the thrift store. If you haven't worn an outfit in over a year, pitch it! Cause you're not gonna wear it.
Did some fun shopping in Fargo for a friend looking at bridal stuff. I heart being along on those trips. I guess I'm a girly girl but being in a store full of bridal gowns really excites me. For some, it's a torture sentence but I love it. I also wrote a bagillion cards (most thank-yous) for the nice cards etc after surgery. I hope they knew how much it meant!
This past weekend I was in Sioux Falls for a family reunion of sorts. It rained the whole time but we managed to have fun anyway. Mom and I were forced to drive separately so we took dad's old walkie-talkies. We had way too much fun. Our code names were mama llama and baby llama. I'm pretty sure any truckers who picked up our signal thought we'd been toking up. The drive home was lonely without my "Ten-4" buddy and music could not keep my powerful urge to doze off away. I stopped in Barnes and Noble and bough a book on tape: "The Devil Wears Prada." I've heard people love the book and it's gonna be a movie plus it was $15 cheaper than other stuff. I heard the whole first disk by the time i got home. It was a lifesaver and so far I like it.
Today I gotta call maintenance to fix some random problems I've found around here. I really need to buy curtains. A garden level apartment is nice and all but I'm creeped out that if someone got close enough to my bedroom window they could look down and watch me sleep. Ewww!
I need to do laundry so I need quarters, detergent and dryer sheets... why does everything cost money?
Oh yeah. That reminds me. I need to get a job.
So those are my not-so fun goals. I also want to see the Lake House. It looks good. May have to drug Tyler. I think he'd rather watch "The Hills have Eyes" creepy horror movie. Our tastes need to match up more.
I miss you.
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