2007-- what!?

Words cannot express the whirlwind that is my life right now.
First-- I graduated-- that was sweet.
Then holidays came and went in a blur. I worked all the time. I even worked Christmas Eve AND Dec 26 (12 1/2 hour shift, thank you).
Finally Heather and Aaron got married-- aww look at them all cute (that's me on the right, horning in on the picture). That rocked.
Now I am moving! Today was my last day at B&B-- kinda sad actually. As much as I hate working retail-- especially around Christmas, many of the girls I met were really nice.
Life is so confusing now. I do NOT have a job where I'm moving. Silly me- I assumed that degree = job offers. I have made lots of calls, been to a few job fairs and even been on a few interviews but I'm either not right for the job or it isn't right for me. It's all complicated by the fact that I don't have a specific job in mind. I know I want to write and I love working with women's issues. That leaves a lot open. Me + decent salary + benefits = good.
I finally finished my thank-you notes. Hooray for that. I have had the TV on in the background all day. Sometimes it feels good to just be a TV-whore for a day. Although, I'm pretty sure I get more and more stupid the longer I watch it. Let's give you an idea of just how stupid...
Vh1 has a marathon of America's Next Top Model
MTV is playing "The Duel"
and I'm watching both. Grosssssssssss. Why do I crave reality TV drama? It's so funny that the longer you watch reality TV, the hotter certain men on the show become. Nigel Barker from ANTM-- purrr. And CT from The Duel, he has this bizzaro Brooklyn accent and he tends to insult people by calling them "meatball" but I can't help it-- he's eye candy on screen. He doesn't need to be smart, people!
I think I need to turn off the TV and do some packing or more job searching... something. I am starting to see the same frickin' commercials over and over. Like Vh1 is doing some new celebReality series called "Shooting Sizemore"-- another washed up actor who got addicted to drugs, is a total asshole to people (he beat up Heidi Fleiss) and is screaming all the time-- why I need to see losers ruin their life on drugs all the time-- not sure? Wasn't Danny Bonaduce bad enough?
Ugh-- enough TV! And yet... packing sounds even less fun :(
my friend melissa just graduated with a degree in english and is having the same problem. hmmmm...
i reccomend-- while you're looking for work-- looking up Fargo's school district(s) (or the college if you're ambitious) and seeing if they need english tutors or paraprofessionals. Also libraries are good. :)
Cmon packing is exciting! I hope it goes well. And hey, if it makes you feel better, I'll pretend to help you pack from my room in Lincoln. Mind if I supervise? :)
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