I had an awesome weekend. How about you?
First of all, this was the first news story I saw today. Nothing election related, no countries being invaded... just super happy cute picture time.

Also, this Saturday I went to Barnesville, MN for the Potato Days festival. Where I ate too much potato-themed food (dumplings and potato cookies both = awesome). Then on Sunday Tyler and I had a lovely date where we played mini golf.
Our adventure in pictures...
And we're off
Lots of concentration here
Our balls are hugging... heh.... (yes, I'm 12 years old)
I grew rather fond of my little pink ball. I shall call her Petunia...
Tyler is stressed for the journey up Mount Doom the volcano
Phew, all safe again.
Sunday evening we also saw The Dark Knight. Tyler had already seen it but I was beginning to feel like everyone every where had seen it but me. I really did enjoy the movie and for a summer action flick I left the theater with a lot of heavy thoughts on the mind. I read a lot of politics into the script. There are many questions brought up regarding terrorism and consequences -- for example the morality of spying on people with technology to catch the bad guys. Try and tell me that's not ripped from the headlines. Also, in one seen Batman is standing in rubble and the way it was shot I just thought, wow, Twin Towers...

Heath Ledger's performance was just astounding. I cannot believe that was him. He was lost in that role. I think his portrayal is one of the most frightening characters on screen ever. That night I actually had nightmares about the joker. But how he transformed made me mourn again that we lost such a talented actor and a young man/father in his prime.
I have to talk briefly about the stunts as well. Just unreal... that's all I can say. Usually I can take or leave fighting sequences, unless they are exceptional (for example in the movie Serenity). But this was new, interesting and exciting to watch. Good movie but a PG-13 rating was completely off base. This was an R film all the way.
Now it's back to the weekday blues. Thankfully the long weekend is ahead. September is shaping up pretty nicely. I've got some quick weekend trips planned, visiting home and grandma and the like. But Tyler also got us tickets for a Twins game -- I've never been and I'm pretty excited! Any tips on what I MUST do? I am thinking hot dog + beer + loud rousing chorus of "take me out the ballgame."
Some things that have been on my mind lately:
- I love onions. I especially love onions on my subway sandwiches. But when I eat them I have onion breath for 2 days straight --even after flossing, brushing and gargling. What gives?
- I bought some lip gloss that was billed as "infallible" for 6 hours. It's a hoax. Don't buy it. My lips have been ... "fallible" for the last 5 and a half hours.
- Why do I go shopping and then a day later find awesome coupons? I am seriously considering taking clothes back and immediately re-buying them. That's allowed right?
- I have a bee in my bonnet. I want to buy new bedding. I don't know why. But those stupid Macys catalogs call to me. I find myself gazing longingly at 500 thread count sheets. I think I've been watching too much HGTV because I'm convinced that new bedding is necessary to "create a spa-like retreat." Nevermind that one freakin' bed skirt is $99 -- that doesn't make me feel tranquil at all.
Is it Friday yet?
Labels: movies, Picture posts, random facts of life
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