The Year That Was...

So it’s a brand new year. And we all have a fresh start. I have a new calendar that is clean and unmarred by messages like “WRITE YOUR PAPER OR DIE” although I do have a “dentist appointment” Wednesday– damn cavities.
I thought it would be appropriate to look back on 2005. What I have created is a retrospective/my own award show. The following “Tobes Awards” for 2005.
2005 “Tobes” Awards
The saddest breakup: Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson (but….I watched your show!)
The breakup that should have been: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes (save yourself, Katie. There’s still time)
Best song of ’05: "Gold-digger" by Jamie Foxx and Kanye West. (This song spoke to me—and you will notice, I use its lyrics in my blog title—“go head get down girl, go head get down”)
Worst song of ’05: “Laffy Taffy” –a rap song that recently came out but wins this category no contest. Sample lyrics: ‘Shake that laffy taffy, cause girls call me Jolly Rancher/ I stay so hard you can suck me for a long time.” Such poetry. I mean seriously. Now my female assets are being compared to convenience store candy that costs 10 cents?
Best quote (and proof that supermodels aren’t Stupid): Melania Knauss, wife of Donald Trump was asked “Would you marry the Donald if he wasn’t rich?” Her response, "Do you think he would have married me if I weren't beautiful?"
(For more great quotes of ’05 visit:
Biggest Comeback: Green Day with “American Idiot”
Rising Star: Jamie Foxx (the man went from “Booty Call” to “Ray”)
Coolest Technological advance: I was going to say the Ipod Nano, because that thing is just teeny but instead, I’ll go with the launch of Discovery shuttle- little more impact.
Best Movie of ’05: Tough call, since I haven’t seen that many but my fave would be “Cinderella Man” with Russell Crowe. Roger Ebert said his performance reminded him of Jimmy Stewart, I couldn’t agree more.
Over hyped movie: King Kong. Sorry, it’s a good movie but it was 3 hours and at least some of the icky-creature footage could be deleted. The best character was a computer generated ape… I enjoyed the movie but it didn’t rock my world as much as people said it would
Crazy political news: It’s a tie. Major historical figure, Deep Throat’s identity was revealed (Mark Felt). And Bush and Co. came clean and confessed, “By the way we’ve been listening to a few phone conversations here and there...” Apparently eavesdropping isn’t rude, as long as the President is doing it.
Worst event in general: I could be bitter and say Inauguration day (Jan 20). That was a bummer day for me. But let’s face it… between Hurricane Katrina, the tsunami aftermath and the earthquake that hit Pakistan, Afghanistan and India killing 87,000 people… natural disasters as a whole take this award.
Great Loss of 2005: Rosa Parks (Also lost in ’05: Peter Jennings, William Rehnquist, Johnny Carson, Pope John Paul II)
Biggest Press Circus of ‘05: A multiple win…
#1 Terri Shiavo. Poor woman could not pass in peace.
#2 Michael Jackson is found innocent after wearing pajamas to court. He should be locked up for that alone.
#3 Martha’s ankle bracelet… and yet sex offenders roam free.
In summary...2005
It was not the best year for sports… we lost the NHL to salary disputes and congress had to have “time out” with baseball players hopped up on steroids (guess that was less depressing than the war). However the White Sox did win their series first in 88 years.
Entertainment-wise: The box office was dismal but Harry Potter sold 11 million copies.
Hard-news: We got a new Supreme Court chief justice and Israel left the Gaza Strip in August ending a 38-year occupation. Gas prices hit the ceiling and Saddam Hussein went on trial. London was terrorized by bombings in July and Pairs burned in riots in October. The bird flu is still a menace.
Also a huge event in 2005… I turned 21. Ha… kidding. Not huge at all.
2005 was an amazing year. But in 365 days on this planet, amazing things are bound to happen. Hopefully 2006 promises more amazement, less sorrow for the world.
Since the holiday season isn’t officially over till mom and I take down the tree tomorrow, allow me to wish EVERYONE “Peace to you on earth and good will towards all humankind especially in this coming new year.”
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