I heart penguins

This is the still from the movie "Happy feet." Seriously, click the link and watch a preview of this guy going to town. Everytime I see this preview, I seriously nearly giggle to death or cry becaue it's so cute!!! I LOVE penguins. They're cuteness gets to me. And I'm not one of these people that suddenly loves them now that they starred in that Oscar-winning movie "March of the Penguins"--- no way man. I am a fan from way back. Like forever.
I have a keychain that says "I heart penguins" and a shirt that says this as well. My icecream scoop has a penguin on it and I have 4 stuffed penguins. I love them all.
When Tyler saw this picture he said to me, "Oh my gosh... let's have a baby!" (pause for me to look at him like "What are you nuts?") then he says... "A tenny, tiny penguin baby. You can do that right?" Um, yeah, I'll just start laying eggs. On the other hand my body does like to create weird stuff in my tummy! :)
Anyway this movie comes out in November and I cannot wait to go. Just wanted to post the picture and bring some joy to your lives! If you want to really brighten your day watch the trailer or "Baby Mumble"
Did you ever read the book Tacky the Penguin as a kid? That book rocked the socks off pretty much all the kids I knew growing up.
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