Devil Wears Prada

Tonight I went to see "The Devil Wears Prada"-- I "listened" to this book on tape coming home from Sioux Falls and thought it was pretty fun. And as a big Merryl Streep fan, I was excited to see the movie.
I really enjoyed it, even though it wasn't very faithful to the book, but one thing really bugged me.
There were constant jokes about how fat Anne Hathaway was... these jokes were not in the book. Anne Hatheway's character was supposed to be a size 6, which according to one of the characters in the movie, "is the new 14."
I get it, the movie was poking fun at the fashion industry's obsession with thin but come on-- it gets old. It was the long-running joke of the film. Anne Hathaway picks up a Chanel gown and asks, "Do you think it'll fit?" and someone replies, "If we grease you up with crisco and get some fishing wire." Or when Merryl Streep is mad at Hathaway's character and says, "When I hired you, I thought, why not try hiring the fat girl? But you are just another dissapointment." The other assistant constantly criticizes Hatheway as well, "You don't deserve this job... you eat carbs!!"
No one, including Hathaway's character, points out the obvious, that her being "fat" is absurd.
Again, I have no doubt that the audience was supposed to be aware that this was a joke. But still, it would be more funny if it weren't so hypocritical. I mean, something like this... a critique of the "thin is in" mentality coming from HOLLYWOOD? Come on. You know people like Anne Hathaway feel the pressure to conform. If she was actually a size 14 (gasp-- god forbid), we wouldn't even know her because off the top of your head, name an "it" girl of Hollywood who is a size 14? Got anything?
Besides, you look at this picture... how can they joke about her feeing fat... how?
It just makes me sad because the people who design high fashion and cast movies like "The Devil Wears Prada" really do think this way. To them a size 6 IS fat! To them, they don't need to make gowns that fit anything bigger than a 2... and to "fat" girls like me... that's just not so funny.
Anyway. Otherwise a good movie. Mindless summer fun :) and Merryl Streep rocks my socks off.
The thing that's really absurd-- besides the fact that Anne Hathaway is not fat-- is that it shouldn't matter if she is.
It really doesn't matter if people are fat! Only Hollywood plays it up, but I have tons of proof from many many hot guys that they prefer women with something to hang on to, meaning some rolls and curves. They think skinny women are gross! I'll go with what they think. They are your normal everyday good looking guys!! Not a make believe hollywood world. Em, you are awesome and not fat, I've seen pictures of you! Be proud of who you are.
Thanks Anonymous-- I agree and have never had complaints from any of the guys I've been with! You rock for posting. I don't know who you are but I like ya :)
I have what we shall call a "ghetto booty". Seriously, I have the biggest ass ever - and not one single guy I have ever dated ever complained, and all actually really liked it. I don't know too many guys who want anorexic girls, almost every guy I know likes curves, and a girl with a little meat on her bones. I also would not trade my ass for anything in the world - it's definitely worth the hassle of finding jeans, just to make the boys drool ;)
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