A very cool post.. so says me
Lately I've tried to be awesome. Before my Portland trip, I blew through G.F. like a storm. I finally had it with the crappy history professor who managed to ruin what promised to be a very interesting subject (History since 1945). Not only that, he was mean to me! Not cool. I'm a senior, I don't need to put up with this crap. I left his class thinking to myself "I'll be damned if I come back here again." So I went home, logged into campus connection and clicked the "drop" button. Ah liberation-- it felt great.
This left me in a slight predicament as I was now 2 credits shy of my graduation requirement (kind of a big deal). I decided to try a whole new approach to school. Where I do nothing, and get credit. Hence, physical education classes. So now Mondays and Wednesday I have "Shape Up" for an hour, and Tuesday and Thursday I have swimming. It's a fun really. My only job is to show up and sweat. It's a nice change from showing up, getting huge homework assignments, and going home and sweating over that. (A big shout out to Davey, who once again saved my butt by stepping in as my advisor)
More blowing through G.F. included paying my tutition (ouch) and quitting my job! Whoo hoo! But sad because I did like make-up but I have more hours at the new place-- Bath and Body Works!!! Hello nice smelling soaps and candles!!
Then I hopped the plane to Portland (with no liquids or gels in tow). Actually, that's a lie. I went through security but they missed a hand-lotion in my bag that I had also overlooked. So much for homeland security.
Portland was a breath of fresh air. Sarah took me all over. The beautiful beach (see below). And I stuck my toes in the Pacific (a welcome relief seeing as how the sand on the way to the shore was 800 degrees).

I got a chance to see the famed "Haystack Rock" - you'd recognize it if you saw the Goonies movie.

Sarah and I are bosom friends (a la Anne of Green Gables) we have similiar tastes in music, movies, and our senses of humor are alike. But above all, we can shop together like no other. Calm down. Most of the shoes are hers.

Here we are at Carl's swanky downtown condo in the Pearl District. We're ready for our night at the gay clubs! The only club to party at, really. PS: Matt's shirt read "PIG"-- not sure why.

Observe the hot gay men...

Sarah also took me to Multnomah Falls. 611 feet of gorgeous cascading water.

So that's the trip on fast forward. We had tons of fun. Leaving was sad (observe sad faces)

But it was a great time.
Now, however, I'm back to the real world. New job training starts next week, papers have due dates and people have started asking hard questions like "So what do you want after graduation?" Ugh I hate hard questions.
To wrap up
The coolest thing to happen this week: I have been hired by the Herald to do freelance work. Including previewing and covering the Black Eyed Peas concert and more recently covering the opening of the new, improved Playmakers Bar/Club in Fargo. I went to a bona fide swanky club opening. I was feeling pretty kick-ass in my black skirt, blazer top with my news pad stalking the crowd and sipping cocktails. Very Carrie Bradshaw-esque. Did I mention they had a five-tiered chocolate fountain? It took all my willpower not to stand by it all night. PS: The club rocks and I'm super stoked it's only an hour away.
The lamest thing to happen to me this week: Full on allergy attack and it hasn't let up in days, I go no where without kleenex and four inhalers. I've skipped class and work and I tried in vain to book an appointment with my allergist -- according to the receptionist, he can't see anyone until January. JANUARY? I gave up and stopped in with my primary doctor, who primarily, just loaded me up with more nasal spray and pills. I suddenly understood Van Gogh, the man cut off his ear, and I now have the urge to remove my nose.
I must close, pray for a frost for me. Once everything freezes over, I may be able to breathe again.
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