Hooray for good fortune
Best thing that happened to me this week was getting sick. Seriously.
I woke up Sunday morning and felt like every sound, bit of light and movement were killing me (also known as a migraine).
This was also the day I was supposed to work 9-5 at work. DRAG.
When I got to work, I apparently looked pathetic enough because they sent me right home again. I slept for three solid hours and felt much better.
Tyler and I decided to celebrate -- we took our cameras and decided to get some fresh air. Out to Turtle River we went. We were just a tish late as all the leaves had fallen but you take what you can get. I've been saying I've wanted to go look at the leaves for weeks but damn work and school kept getting in the way. OH well. we had some fun pictures

Yay happy!

My new pet ladybug. I love her.

Would have been prettier with more leaves but still pretty.

Quit following me!

A log blocks our path.... I am not happy about it. Notice the random sweater in my hand. We found it on the trail and picked it up. Tyler and I thought maybe a kid got eaten by a bear and we might need to report it to a park official.
Now sadly it's Monday and even worse -- midterm week. However, I am surprisingly not too worried. I know that all I need to do is pass my classes and I'm outta here. These tests are not the end of the world for me. I'll do my best but I'm not going to kill myself when there are pretty leaves to play in!
But now is not the time... I have to go write an essay about 14 century witch trials... whoopee.
Good luck with mid terms! I know you'll do great because, well, you're great. I'm also glad you're feeling better, because being sick is lame. I've been lucky so far and not been sick, even with all the subbing I have done, but we'll see how long this lasts.
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