I shouldn't be blogging right now
...because I have so much to do. But it's been so crazy lately.
A random rundown of recent events.
I have no time to myself lately. School is going full speed ahead and I'm in a crazy transition period where it feels like I'm working 10 jobs. Finishing up at the cosmetics place AND freelancing for the Herald AND starting at B&B (which rocks by the way) Good luck to me ever bringing home a paycheck. I love nice smelling things.
As part of my Herald job, I will skip my lunch hour tomorrow to interview a rap group called "Swollen Members." Yeah. Stop and absorb that one. I am calling a guy whose name is "Prevail." What are the odds I'm not gonnna come across as an out-of-touch North Dakota girl?
Getting up every morning to go to "Shape Up" and "Swimming" has been rough but beneficial. Last swim class we played water polo. I'm not even gonna waste your time explaining how bad I was. They made me goalie. Are they nuts? The lame girl by the edge of the pool, treading water with her glasses on!!! And Shape Up isn't much better... yesterday we played football and I was trying to get a work out so I was running and looking back giving the "I'm open" signal with my hands. Stupid move. Of course I was open but I didn't really want them to pass to me. Unfortunately, they did. A guy launched the football at me and I stood there, terrified and I screamed. Seriously, like a little kid. I caught the ball but my ego is still hurting.
Today we did circut training ... in the football training room. Not good for people like me. The smallest dumbell was the size of my head. "Um, Coach, sorry, can't really do bicep curls with 90 pound weights." We need a more average-joe friendly gym space cause I wasn't the only one that couldn't lift those suckers.
Tyler told me that he waited on a guy at Best Buy today that used the phrase, "It's like finding a nigger in a woodpile." Yow. How do you respond to that? Tyler described the man as looking like "Farmer John"-- a big, fat ,white guy. I think that's insensitive to the non-racist farmers out there, but I get his point. Who honestly talks like that anymore and to a stranger in public no less!?
Tonight I bought the coolest underwear ever. They are purple and they say "Sleep Now. Study Later." I couldn't agree more. Except now I have study and blog more later... bye :)

PS: Hang in there, Davey. I love you. It'll get better.
A nigger in a woodpile? What does that even mean? Is it easier to find a caucasion in a wood pile? What the hell was he looking for, a guide to cultural awareness 101 text book? Or "How to Make Yourself Look Like a Total Freaking Ass" (authored by George W. Bush. He's finally decided to capitalize on his idiocy, but to save face he published it under the pen name 'Dubya'. He then was quoted to have said, 'Huck-yuck' and slap his knee.).
I would think that something like... oh... I don't know.... A NEEDLE IN A HAYSTACK would have sufficed... not to mention made a lot more flipping sense.
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