Where my girls at?

Here's a description of the Sugar and Spice dolls:
"Phoebe "Sugar" is dressed in a fluffy pink jacket with pink and black underwear, while Roxxi "Spice" has an open faux leather jacket and skimpy red and black lingerie. Both dolls have baby milk bottles hanging off chains strapped to their legs. "
But it's gotten worse. Now Bratz is marketing lingerie and PADDED bras... for 6 year olds! WHAT? That's the joy of being 6, you don't need a bra and you sure as hell don't need a padded bra!
Tiny, matching bras and underwear have come out in many children's brands including Bratz, Saddle Club and Barbie.
Bratz distributor Funtastic defended the lingerie saying, "The idea of the padding is for girls to be discreet as they develop."
Target, a distributor of Bratz, also stood by the underwear line. They say it provides, "fashionable items that give girls modesty and style as they go through development changes."
UM? How do you figure that making false breasts on a 6-year-old is helping her maintain modesty?
In my mind this is in poor taste. What is discreet about putting a child in a padded bra?
I can't imagine any parent buying their daughter this product! It just screams icky Jon Benet, pedophile fantasy. I hope these dolls and the pre-pubescent lingerie line get pulled from the shelves... But that's just me.
What do you think?
For more yuck, go to bratz.com and look at other dolls in the baby bratz line-- scary!
Who says ANYONE is developing when they are 6?? A pedophile's dream, this is lame.
I had a big conference with parents last year about toys that are inappropriate to bring to school, and at the top of my list was Bratz dolls. I think the message they're sending little girls is so atrocious, and totally wrong. No girl is developing when she's six; and trying to market somethign to make her feel more 'discreet' is only going to make her freak out about it more.
The reason they get away with it is because the marketing power of children is so extreme. Just look at the "High School Musical" phenomonom. The DVD and soundtrack spent a LOT of time at number one because parents are willing to go out and buy their kid whatever they want.
Also, what's going to end up being the bane of their existence is the fact that our generation wants to badly to give our kids the life we never had that we're willing to just give in to their demands and buy them the name brand clothes, or the Bratz dolls, or the horrible plot-exempt Barbie movies.
But, as an educator, I can tell you that even if we think we're doing them a favor, it is leading to no where good. They may have more confidence then we did, but it's a false confidence built solely in material possessions and not in who we really are.
I kind of digressed, but my point is still valid. I think. :)
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