Sleeping in...
... I do it all the time now. It's the upshot of having no job, you can sleep until 11 am. I am trying not to panic that no place has called me back to hire me yet. My mom keeps telling me I will eventually get a job and I should just enjoy this odd rarity in my life. I have no school or work so I can read all day or make my apartment pretty. Soon jobs will start and my life will be a whirlwind again. I'm worried though. What if I get too used to this lifestyle and don't have any desire to work ever? I'm sure motivation will be provided shortly after we get our "past due" notices on our bills.
I know I should post pics of the new short hair but I'm too lame to go get my camera right now and besides its all crazy and sticky-up since I haven't showered it or styled it this morning... errr, afternoon. I just have to say, WHY on earth did I live with long hair for so long? I can't stand all the effort and I never knew what to do with it anyway. Short is the way to go.
Someone needs to help me figure out blogspot stat. I am feeling more and more like they are hating on me. Even when I sign in they slam me. Would you rather sign in with google or "OLD blogger." Emphasis on old, washed up, lame blogger who can't get with the times. Well that's just it- I can't get with the times! And it sucks because other blogs won't let me comment now so I can't remark on anyone's posts. Someone help! I have gmail but I don't get it.
Yesterday I drove back to the Forks to do some errands. My class ring (see pic) was back from being sized. As you can tell from the pic, it's not a traditional class ring-- I didn't really like the look of any of the official class rings they had so I picked this guy out. I like it because it has personal meaning to me and it's not a huge honker like most "class rings" you see advertised. The four emeralds represent my four years at UND, the three diamonds are for the trinity and the yellow gold and white gold coming together in one band remind me of finding Tyler in school. Awwwww- yeah gross I know. But I like it.

Also in Gf was Hunter, who I needed to see before he went back to school in Boston. It was great seeing him but it reminded me how unfair it was that some of my dearest friends live far away.
I also did approx. 8 tons of laundry in GF. That's right, even though I'm 70+ miles away, I'm still mooching off my parents hardcore. But I bet I saved $6 and when you have no job that equates to at least two more meals.
Mom and I spent most of the evening together watching HGTV and running around town to look for bargain shopping deals (two pillows for $7 each-- not bad). When it was time to go, I'm embarrassed to say I got a little teary. Cripes-- it's like an hour away but I just love my mom so much. I'm pretty sure she's the love of my life- non romantically speaking. She told me that this move was "good for us" and I kind of find that weird. If she were a friend or romantic person in my life I'd never say that moving away was "good for us." But it's just something parents and children say I guess.
Well regardless I don't ever think I'll cut that cord. It feels like a very tangible line stretching down I-29 sometimes. She'll always be the person that gets my jokes and knows how to rub my head just right when I'm in my "I'm worthless" mood. She just gets me and I get her and we're the only two people on earth who get dad so it's a special connection. :)
Ahhh, but I can tell I'm starting to come off as a little crazy psycho. It's just something I think about a lot lately as I see my life change. More friends getting married, Tyler and I living together doing our own thing. I'm an adult now and it's really scary-- don't you ever just want to be a little kid in your mom's lap again? Sometimes I feel that way and then othertimes it's really nice to be at this part of life too. Just scary is all...
Speaking of scary. When I drove down to GF I took a banana thinking it would be a good snack but it was just smelling up the car and felt mushy. I was agonizing for 20 miles over whether or not I could throw it out the window and not be a "litter bug." Finally I decided that since it was food and animals eat food, it was okay. Besides it wasn't like throwing out a Styrofoam cup-- a banana would decompose or what not. So I finally got the courage to roll down my window and I chucked the banana out the passenger side (I was driving) so it would land in the ditch where hungry animals could find it.
Trouble is-- I neglected the ND winds which blew the banana back toward my car and SPLAT. Needless to say I had some frozen banana guts on my trunk and my car STILL smelled like banana.
That's what I get for littering!
If you have gmail, you sign into blogger just like you would with your email. You m ay have to sign up to change your account to a google account... it was a little confusing at first when I switched, but I think I was just overthinking it....
Hilarious about the banana, btw.
PS-- have you thought of getting just a little silly part time job while you hang out and wait for a new one? My friend Melissa just got one at a bakery/cafe here while she waits on other jobs, and she said it's really nice because it brings money in but she still has some time to kind of relax a little (she graduated in december, also)....
Sleeping in is awesome. I love it. Getting drunk is awesome too. Those two things sort of go together :)
Ok, here's a quick help reference to switch your account over.
1) Get to this page:
2) There should be a bright blue button that says "Switch Now" Click on it.
3) Type in your username and password for your Blogger account on the right side of the screen. Next, click on the little box below Agreeing to Terms of Service. Then click the "Continue" arrow.
After this, I can't go any further without an old blogger account to check the steps. Just check for an option to use a current google account (since you don't need to make a new one). After that, fill in your current google account username and password, and you should be good to go. (Hopefully) Just let me know if you need some help.
Your ring is amazing. I'm a huge fan of it, and something with such significance like that is rare. It's also really beautiful.
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