School and Other Updates

And so another semester is upon me—I’d rather it get off me. It has left me with little time to blog about my life. I never know if anyone is reading but something is therapeutic in typing down a bunch of stuff and hitting "post." That being said, in light of me being tired, it being late and all my recent posts having some sort of opinionated agenda, I'll go with a simple update. Cause people love and care about me, right?
Ready or not...
The first day of school I fell down in the parking lot. It was the ice, gets me every time. I figured this was a clear sign from God that I should drop out of school and go somewhere safer. Instead I opted to drop two classes instead- giving me 14 credits rather than 20. 20 credits are, by the way, INSANE. The stress/ice combo made me fall, really.
I finally got a new mattress. When I moved to my apartment I took the “guest bed” from the basement. My parents bought that bed 20 years ago at a farm auction. They estimate it's between 60 and 100 years old. It's old enough to have straw in the box spring... yeah, straw. It was so impossible to sleep on because once you lay down, the springs didn't bounce back so it folded up on you like a taco (which is how it earned its nickname.... "The taco"). During a fabulous mattress sale at Slumberland, mom and I traded up from the taco to a "plush" Sealy. When the delivery guys brought it here, they took the taco away and were freaking out the whole time, "DUDE- STRAW!"
Let’s see, what else…. This morning I woke up and my glasses snapped in half. Lame. I was on campus and had class in 20 minutes so I had to make do with what I have (I am BLIND BLIND BLIND without glasses). So during my 11 am class, I sat there wearing prescription sunglasses. Afterwards, several classmates asked how "hung over" I was--- oops, guess sunglasses inside does send a bad signal.
I have driven to Minneapolis and back twice in two weeks. First for a women's seminar on "making a difference in public policy" and secondly for a wedding. Both were awesome.
SEMINAR: My dear friend, Hunter Jones accompanied me to Minneapolis for the seminar and was an excellent driving buddy. He brought a comedy CD that nearly made me run off the road (for funny reasons, not cause the guy was bad) and even shared a king sized bed with me at the hotel (scandalous!). We ordered room service and were very embarrassed when the sweet looking old man insisted on coming into the room to deliver it. When he rounded the corner and saw Hunter in bed I could swear he gave me a look but it was a purely friendly bed-sharing evening. We even had a line of pillows separating us-- STOP JUDGING! I tipped the guy really well so he'd think I had SOME morals.
WEDDING: The wedding was a friend from high school, Andrea. She's a seriously awesome gal. She's so cool; you have no idea-- to give you an idea… She's the type of cool gal who has a giant inflatable device at her wedding reception for kids (and adults--- oh yes, see the picture of me and Ainsley) to jump in! Whoo hoo! My English professor recently told me "over 60% of first marriages end in divorce." That super duper depressed me but I don’t know, I have a lot of friends recently married or about to be married and they seem happy and devoted and I say to hell with statistics! Maybe all they surveyed was Hollywood anyway!
SCHOOL NEWS: Well class-wise things are cool. I am revolting from last semester’s literature (all 17th/18th century crap about corsets and virtue) and taking purely modern, DIFFERENT stuff. So I’ve got American comedies of the 20th century, history of drama, women in religion and a class in science fiction. Yeah, I feel a bit out of place there. Sometimes folks go off on tangents about “warp speed” and “worm holes” and I feel lost. But reading something radically different is refreshing and H.G. Wells is pretty sweet.
I just got back from seeing the film “Brokeback Mountain” (it finally came to GF). It was worth the money and was an amazing film but I feel my emotions are still too raw to appreciate it fully. Plus it really bummed me out. Hope that doesn’t ruin any plot twist but come on, it’s a movie about gay cowboys—you think they have it easy?
Okay, I’ve gone on long enough. It’s time for shut eye. Please send me a comment or an email. I’d love to hear from you… whoever you are. Unless you’re mean, then don’t bother. I strongly dislike mean people.
All for now,
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