Adventures with the easy bake oven
My oven at my apt. has been dubbed "easy bake" because it is so small but it has also given me the chance to try my hand at the joys of gas cooking. Thought I'd share with you all a super-easy recipe that I love. It reflects both my heritage and my love of dough products. If I can make it, anyone can! I also included pictures to assist the recipe-challenged... and just for silliness.
German Knoephla Soup
Get a big kettle (like below and fill 3/4 full with water and milk-- more milk than water). Heat. Add 3 chicken bouillon cubes.

Dice half an onion

Try not and faint from onion fumes (see below) then cut about 4 or 5 potatoes up in bite sized pieces

I am truly lazy so I buy my dumplings ready made at the grocery store and just drop the bag in the kettle. Below is the brand I like... tastes just like Grandma's homemade dough dumplings and 1/2 the work!! I usually wait a while for the potatoes to cook, then add dumplings.

When potatoes are cooked through and dough is big, squishy and dumpling-like you have a bowl of knoephla!! I like lots of black pepper to spice it up a bit. But not too spicy, I am German after all!

This makes you a cook! Hooray! Celebrate and eat up!

And that's how I spend a Tuesday night alone... and no that is NOT sad.
What? It's not! I had a hard day at work! I wanted to make din-din and sleep.
Labels: food, Picture posts
You are awesome!!
You are so right -- my dad would be very proud indeed! Mmm...dough all you need to be truly German is a big ol' sausage (probably with some sauerkraut) and something that's deep fried.
You and your mom have always been some of the best Germans from Russia we know. I will always remember your mom singing to all my dad's accordion songs, because it was just a given that she knew them all by heart. :)
Sadly, I bet I could still mess up that recipe somehow. But it sounds tasty!
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