Memory Lane: Jobs

Well, it's tax time again. After my fifth W2 showed up, I began to realize-- I've had a lot of jobs this year! And it got me thinking about the worst jobs I've had, and also the best. And with graduation in December, it also got me thinking about jobs I'd really want.....
Top 3 worst jobs
1. The knife whore job--- Selling knives. Not only was I supposed to hit up friends and family, I was supposed to get them to purchase $800 knive sets (um yeah okay). That job lasted two weeks before I realized, "Yeah, good product but I'm not comfortable being so pushy."
2. Hugo's Grocery-- believe it or not I still have nightmares that I'm late for work there. It was my first "real job" in high school. I remember standing for hours on end and being taunted by the smell of roasted chicken smell and fresh pastries. Then there was the joy of the coupon that refused to scan and trying to remember the fruit code for “papayas”—yeah, that was no fun.
3. Ecolab Pest Elimination- I was the girl you got when you called the 800 number. So many angry people bitching at me because they had cockroaches, bedbugs, termites, rats. I heard the sickest things ever-- EVER. You don't even want to know. And the worst call ever. The old man who called crying that he had rats in his basement and his kids didn't care and if I didn' t help him he was going to shoot himself. Ahhh- I need the suicide 800 number!
Top Three best jobs!
1. NDCAWS (N.D. council on abused women’s services) Took me to Bismarck for the summer. I met new people and had a my own office (gasp, just like a real person). I got to do research into sexual and domestic violence and I felt like what I was doing might actually make a difference. Every day I was inspired by the women around me and enraged at the injustice I came across. It’s what a job should be—always keeping you motivated and engaged and yet still fun.
2. Disc jockey. Working part time means I never have to see my boss in person, I show up in my pajamas and I do homework or read books when I’m not on air or on the phone. It’s lovely time alone (minus the music and annoying callers)
3. Free lance writer for marketing firm. I got a free press pass for any world junior hockey game I wanted and got to meet and interview all sorts of people. Sweetness.
Top 3 fantasy jobs
1. Let me take over for Larry King. Please, please, please! I would rule! I just know I would!
2. High school or Middle School Counselor- I honestly would love the opportunity to work with kids. I have thought about a masters in counseling. I think if trained, I would have a lot to offer troubled kids.
3. A lobbyist for reproductive rights- access to contraception, ending pharmacist refusal, real sex education and advocacy for women’s health in general
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