I joined an STD club?

Life here is getting crazy... it's technically not finals week until next week but for whatever reason, 80% of my papers and tests are due this week! This makes me cranky. We are supposed to have Read and Review day and a weekend to prepare but it's useless if everything is due right now! In fact, next week I only have one test and one paper due (yet the rough draft it due tomorrow anyway).
The surgery was scheduled and postponed already! Now it'll be May 17 when we remove Goliath. I think I'll need to drop out of summer school. My doctor has informed me I will be shacked up in the hospital for at least 3 nights and missing 3 days of summer school with 4 hours per day ... yeah, might as well just quit while I'm ahead. This throws a serious wrench into moving plans as well. My lease is up at the end of May and then I head to my new place-- This means I will be worthless in helping to lift anything. Hopefully my boyfriend and some friends will accept monetary reimbursement and cookies to carry all my junk. According to my surgeon no strenuous activity for a few weeks and "vacuuming is strenuous"-- I may milk that for all it's worth!
My dad e-mailed me this funny radio clip to cheer me up today. It's very random and silly if you'd care to listen.
AND FINALLY-- an explanation of the title of this post. I was accepted into the English honor society Sigma Tau Delta. It's very nice and I get to go to an honorary luncheon etc but I find it funny that if you abbreviate it... I am now in a group S.T.D. *sigh* They really should have reconsidered that.
Well I had this fabulous plan where I was going to send out fun CONGRATS cards to all my friends who are graduating this May, but of course, I have forgotten and let myself fall behind. No good at all. To all my friends from Kansas, to Nebraska to Montana and beyond-- I love you and please know that I will be clapping from afar as you walk across the stage! I'll be all done this December which seems ages away for me, I can't imagine how exciting this must be! Hooray for you! You made it through the madness!
The highlight of tonight will be a new Law & Order SVU. Other than that, I'm a slave to my computer writing papers. My life is so random. I hate this time. Everything seems hopeless and daunting. Ah the joy of finals.
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