Birthday time

So I turned 22 this past weekend. And here is a pic of roomie and I celebrating!! Hooray, in another few years I can legally rent a car. It's very exciting. All jokes aside the weekend was glorious. Beautiful, sunny weather and lots of fun was had. My lovely roommate Heather and I (along with the help of her handy boyfriend) cleaned the apartment. Hardcore cleaning too, I'm talking moving the fridge to dust and everything. We hosted a fabulous dinner party in which Thai food and Better than sex cake was served. Very delightful if I do say so myself.
Problem is now I have al these leftovers appetizers like fruit and yummy fruit dip, shrimp, chips & sauce. What's a girl to do? I don't think I have to buy any more groceries until I move, which sadly is coming up sooner than I think I'm ready for. I have really enjoyed living with my roommates here but this May will be our last month together *tear* and I will finally be moving out into the real world alone. Well, real as student housing can be anyway. I am excited as this brings me ever closer to graduation in May. Perhaps we should give the apartment one final send off- host a bbq or something. That would be delightful I'm sure. At the moment, can't really imagine doing that as thoughts of final papers and tests are clouding all reasonable judgment.
It's very weird to recognize this time 4 years ago was the end of my high school career. Where will I be 4 years from now? Hopefully filthy rich sunning myself off the coast of southern france. But if I'm holding down a decent job around here and happy, that'll do as well :) And a bit more likely since getting me on a place to southern france would be hella difficult. Flying scary.
Summer job plans are still up in the air a bit. Likely not traveling back to Bizzo but taking some fun summer courses. So many weddings in town it'd be almost silly to leave. Very exciting stuff.
I shall try to remain more updated. School is mucho crazy but summer is almost here! Best wishes to all you guys!
Happy birthday sweetie!!
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