Random mail, job offers and sunburns
It's been awhile since I've blogged and I can honestly say I miss it. The past few weeks have been crazy- I've hardly been home. I enjoyed a well-needed vacation with my Mother & Aunt in Palm Springs, California. It was delightful because I read two books and every night I sat in the hot tub under palm trees. It was gorgeous there... see for yourself. I know, I'm so lucky it's sick!

On our last day we visited "The Living Desert" which is an outdoor zoo. I saw these sweet giraffes. I wanted to run among them.

For most of the vacation I was diligent about applying sunscreen, however, that day I messed up. *Sigh* Unlike most people who come back from vacation looking golden and healthy, I came back looking like this....

And those hot white lines are not from a bikini or anything cool. They are from my nerdy tourist camera. Wow. I rock.
That in a nutshell was my vacation. After that came Easter and about a billion eggs. Eureka was hopping as usual. The baby my mom is holding was a riot to play with. His head smelled like chocolate. I liked him.

Now I'm back in the real world trying to get back into the school routine which means reading books not because they look interesting but because they are required.
Some interesting occurrences of the day:
- I got a piece of junk mail asking me to "scratch and win" -- I did and won a $2000 online shopping spree. No joke. RANDOM. I have yet to check out this site. Time will tell if the stuff I'm shopping for is that exciting. But still I was super stoked. I NEVER WIN THAT STUFF!
- I tore up my room looking for a floppy disk and found about 12. No computer in my apartment (mine or my roommates) has a floppy drive. I went to the boys upstairs to use theirs. But while I was there, they forced me to play a game of Quarters-- really they FORCED me :) I'm bad at quarters so in no time I was buzzed. I had to leave when one of the boys brought his pet snake out to the table. And after all that mess, NONE of those floppy had what I needed! Insert swearing here. When I came out of my room, three of the guys were peeing off the balcony... which means they were essentially peeing right in front of my sliding glass door. This upsets me and they KNOW this already (we've had long chats about it). I took my revenge by locking their sliding glass door and leaving them out there. Damn I'm good.
- My employer from last summer called and offered me a job. This is awesome and totally unexpected. This means another move to Bismarck but this time I have a friend who offered to let me live in her basement. Tempting offer... I will have to think about it.
Life is crazy. And to think all this happened the same day Katie Holmes gave birth-- that poor child. Having Tom Cruise for a dad is just bad luck...
Ah, the joys of pale complexions. I feel your pain, babe.
My comment will be visible after blog owner approval?!? wtf? tobin's gone on another power trip... ;P
I was just thinking about the whole Tom Cruise having a biological child thing being scary myself. At least with his adopted children, they don't have the couch-jumping genes already in them, and they seem normal enough right now. Every picture I have seen of Katie Holmes, she looks absolutely miserable. I would be too though if I were her.
Congrats on the job offer. Do you know if you're going to take it or not? I have a better idea: come spend a week or so here, and we can lay by Teetz's pool while he is at work. Trust me, I did it last summer, it was fun.
Isn't California the most relaxing place ever? I was in L.A., San Francisco, San Diego, and San Luis Obispo. I loved every minute of that Spring Break. Now that I think about it, "relaxing" may not be the best term for L.A. but I liked it a lot.
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