Annoying! --- and other news...

This is a picture from the movie "2001 A Space Odyssey" by Stanley Kubrick. I can say that without a doubt- it is the WORST movie I have ever seen in my entire life. TERRIBLE. In this particular picture, astronaut Dave is shutting down the ship’s computer Hal who has gone haywire and is trying to kill the crew. The computer keeps saying in a monotone, “Dave. Stop. I’m scared. Don’t Dave.” It was the funniest part of the whole damn thing.
I was forced to sit through this 160-minute monstrosity because it was a requirement for my sci-fi class. At one point I nearly took someone up on their offer of pot because I figured the only way to escape the pain. However, having never tried pot before, I figured it would be a bad call. Still, this movie was made in 1969 and I'm pretty sure Kubrick was on LSD at the time.
There's no way to make you fully understand how crappy this movie was… there was no dialogue until 26 minutes into the movie and probably only about 20 minutes of dialogue total. The rest was slow motion shots of weird stars, space stations, people, and extreme close-ups on the human eye with weird cult-ish music and loud beeps playing.
There is no plot to this movie. None. At the end one of the "characters" ends up in a weird room and then ages very slowly. Eventually he is shown as a human fetus orbiting Earth. I checked online and this was explained as... "He is sucked through a stargate to another part of the universe where time passes in a different way. He is put in a human zoo for observation by the unseen aliens and after he dies, he is reborn and sent back to earth as a star child."
There are no words. I am really actually angry about this. You know the joke "I just lost two hours of my life that I’ll never get back " -- I really mean it!!! I wasted time on that and I could have been doing something else fun, even sleeping would have been better.Do me a favor and NEVER watch this film. You'll just feel worthless afterwards. I might punch my sci-fi teacher on Monday. Probably not. She is nice and that is mean. But I am going to tell her she is EVIL for making us watch this.
The sun came out today and it was glorious. We have puddles around campus that are 6 inches deep. I wear boots with my jeans tucked in. I look sexy. But the sun is great—first day I didn’t wear a coat. It was SWEET.
I was on the radio last Sunday and I mentioned that people should remember that “The Academy Awards are on tonight” – a minute later I got a phone call from a man with a thick, southern accent. He says, “Wow lady are you dumb. It’s not the Academy Awards. It’s the Oscars!” --- *sigh*
I am doing a school group project on the religion of Wicca. One my group members, a very sweet, young girl said, “Is that the thing at the grocery store?” It took me a moment to realize that she meant WIC, the government program “Women Infant Child” It was funny explaining the difference.
My car broke and cost over $500 to fix. Very sad. Not only that, I didn’t have it for 4 days and when I got it back it stunk of gasoline inside. I bought one of those cardboard trees so now it smells like peaches and gasoline. Once it gets nicer out, I’ll leave the windows down to get some fresh air through.
I just found out I am required to watch a video on sexual harassment for work. Great way to spend more of my time. *eye roll* I guess I sound arrogant when I say this but “I realize it’s important to raise awareness of this in the workplace but honestly. What is that video going to teach me about sexual harassment. I worked on these issues all summer!” Arrogant I know, but true. I don’t want to drive all the way out there to watch this video AND take a quiz afterward *MAJOR eye roll*
Ben a marine I know lost his leg today but was awarded the Purple Heart after surgery by a group of marines an a general. What an emotional day for his family- I find myself thinking about them all often. Keep praying for an end to all this pain and violence.
I should go to bed but I’m so angry about that damn movie I don’t know if I can sleep.
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