News of me! V-Day edition

Happy Valentine's Day!
I have nothing special planned-- perhaps I will wear something red. Whoopie! I am hoping to take my mom out to lunch and then go to dinner with my dear friend Amanda. I might see Tyler later. We're too nerdy for words. We spent quality time together this weekend watching "Fellowship of the Ring" -- now I have to watch "The Two Towers" --- cause you know, I gotta see what happens to Frodo :)
School is still okay. I guess have control of it... much like the way Dick Cheney has control of his hunting rifle.... bad joke sorry. But really, it’s true. I sorta have control but in a fake way, like any minute I'm gonna shoot someone in the face. I should be studying not blogging.
I am completely ignoring the Olympics-- as usual. I hate this time of year. Everyone is talking about them and I could really care less. I dislike sports normally so what's the big if sports are on 24/7 and the athletes are from all over? It might be fun to see in person but I don’t watch sports on TV…. it’s just not my bag. I did enjoy the movie “Miracle” though-- I guess that's kinda Olympic-ie.
Today a guy in class told me I was fun and had “a big light.” It’s made me smile for the rest of the day. My mom tells me I have a “light” all the time—it was so cool to hear it from someone else. It reminds me to compliment people more. People need to feel good about themselves.
The person who lives above me is either bowling or having intimate relations of some kind. Either way it sounds no fun.
I have a huge to-do list for tomorrow. I am determined to get to a travel agency and try and find tickets to Palm Springs where I will visit my aunt over spring break. I have officially given up on trying to find them myself. According to the Northwest website... if I book without discounts it is nearly $1,000. If I book with a coupon-- it's $1300+ SAY WHAT?
I hate flying.
This Sunday I go to Winnipeg. I am excited to get away. Hope the Canadians don't mind that I'm invading. I plan on spending some funky colored Canadian currency. Hooray!
We're reading Starship Troopers in my Sci-Fi class. I don't think I much care for the ideology behind the book. In it, only people who have served in the military can have citizenship and vote. Um yeah-- I get it, military= civic duty but many other professions offer experiences in serving one’s country and community. Grrrr.
I cleaned my desk today and found construction paper-- made me want to do an art... or a craft.Why do so many cool people I know live far away? It’s sad because I have no money and I hate flying…Last Friday I saw "Something New" -- good romantic comedy/date movie. I would recommend it. The leading man, Simon Baker is my new boyfriend on the side (shhhh, don't tell Tyler, or Simon's wife... who lives in Australia)...
I should get sleepy sleep.
Thanks for stopping bye!
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