Me Right Now

I love going to wellsfargo online website right now. I just deposited a bunch of money and my rent check hasn't been cashed so I look freakin' loaded. In a few days it'll be way smaller and once again the numbers on my credit card will be higher than those in my checking.
Some day I will grow up and learn how to cook and save money.
I am enjoying a night of Emily time. I didn't study tonight. Leaving it until the morning (don't have class until 3:30 so I can afford to do this) I watched Pride and Prejudice. Have decided that if Mr. Darcy were a real person I'd knock Elizabeth unconscious so I could marry him instead.
Lines like, "I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love... I love... I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on." --- why don't men say that stuff anymore?
Some day I want to own a puppy.
I'm tired of people rioting and dying over cartoons. Isn't there any logic in the world? Can't we all just respect one another and not die over stupid things?
There is someone who sits by me in school who breathes so heavily I want to smack them... it is unfair to find breathing annoying but I can't help it... I really shouldn't talk. I'm asthmatic. Lord knows how I sound.
I'm wearing pink pajama pants with yellow chickens that say "chicks rule" (see top of page) and a yellow shirt with a half-eaten cookie that says "I eat carbs" -- man, I am hot.
Time to hit the hay....
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