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This post is for all those concerned about Ben Lunak, Red River High Graduate and marine... If you have time, please send a card.
GF HERALD friday March 3:
A Grand Forks Marine wounded last week in Iraq was still in an induced coma Thursday afternoon, according to his father.
Lance Cpl. Ben Lunak, 21, was wounded when the Humvee he was in was hit by a roadside bomb.
Still ahead for Lunak is surgery on his abdomen and on his right leg, which was shattered in the incident, according to his father, former City Council member Duane Lunak.
Lunak's leg may have to be amputated, but the family has decided to let him make that decision himself, based on the doctor's recommendations, when he wakes this weekend, his father said.
Condition updates are being posted at the CaringBridge Web site. Go to
GF HERALD Sat March 4
Marine update:Lance Cpl. Ben Lunak went through two surgeries Friday, according to his father, former Grand Forks City Council member Duane Lunak.
Wounds in Ben's abdomen were cleaned out Friday, and his pelvis was screwed back together after being broken in both the front and back, Lunak said.
The 21-year-old Marine has not been able to talk to family yet, but he knows the family is there with him, Lunak said.
"When we go into the room, he starts to cry and he moves his hands," Lunak said. "It's really tough. I look at him lying in there. What I would give just to trade places with him."
Lunak is in the intensive care unit at the hospital, where flowers are not allowed, but cards and letters can be sent to
National Navy Medical Center, c/o Ben Lunak, 8901 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20889.
Please keep Ben in your prayers...
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