Un-motivation. It can be deadly

Okay, technically this picture is me in a hotel room in Canada, but I feel it best represents my mood right now.... just sort of flopped on my bed, half asleep and useless to the world. I wasn't always like this you know. There was a time when I was pretty good about accomplishing things. Now I'm hardly able to feed myself.
Not too long ago I was a functioning member of society. I did a lot of fun stuff.
Here's a list to show you how cool I am (was):
When I was more fun I...
- Attended a comedian at UND's loading dock. Christian Finnegan, you may know him from VH1's "best week ever" or Chapelle's Show. So hilarious. It's fun to laugh.
-Booked plane tickets to Palm Springs for mama and me. We are off to visit my auntie June & we got a great deal on tickets!
- Went to see someone named Daryl Davis speak at UND. He is a black man who conducted interviews with members of the Ku Klux Klan. He forged friendships with many of them, causing them to renouce their violent, prejudice ways-- hearing him speak gave me hope for peace on earth -- something that seems impossible these days.
- Took mama to see a gospel choir from the twin cities- beautiful music with an uplifting message- we went through many tissues.
-Went to UND lecture that featured women graduates from school of business. Very interesting. Their topic was 'how to avoid burning out when we have so much to do.' Who can't relate to that!?
-Contributed lots o' stuff to our church rumage sale to help the folks going on the Honduras mission trip. My roommate, Heather surprised me by buying me a "gift" --- it turned out to be a shirt I had donated.
- Took a vacation over President's day. I went to Winnipeg to enjoy some R&R at a hotel/spa!
- Did some homework here and there. When forced....
See, I do fun things! I do important things! I get homework done! But not today... Today I am the biggest pile of crap ever.
I do have a paper due tomorrow so I will HAVE to do something. Besides, I'm blogging now and that's a quasi-accomplishment.
Here's hoping that tomorrow will see the return of the old Emily. Maybe I won't save the world, but at least I'll put on some makeup and get out of my P.J's!!!
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